- 网络diffusion flame

Measurements of temperature distribution in a counterflow diffusion flame by USED CARS
The characteristics of CO emission in METHANE-HUMID air counterflow diffusion flame
NO_x Emission Characteristics of Methane / Oxygen-enriched Air Jet Diffusion Flames
Effects of CO_2 Dilution on NO_x Formation Characteristics in Syngas Diffusion Flames
Study on Combustion Characteristics and NO_x Emission of Methane / Oxygen-Enriched Diffusion Flame
Simultaneous measurement of distributions of temperature and soot volume fraction in laminar ethylene flames by emission CT
Study on Cr_2O_3 Aerosol Size in a Diffusion Flame
PDF Simulation of Local Extinction Within a Bluff-Body Stabilized Turbulent Non-Premixed Flame
PDF Simulation of a Confined Turbulent Jet Diffusion Flame
PDF Simulation of Fluctuating Behavior of Radiative Source Term in Hydrogent Turbulent Jet Diffusion Flame
Control of Size and Crystal Form of TiO_2 Nanocrystalline Synthesized by Co-flow Diffusion Flames
" Experimental and Computational Study of CH , CH , and OH in an Axisymmetric Laminar Diffusion Flame "
For LPG , the effects of oxidizer composition on LPG partial premixing and diffusion flame were observed .
The high temperature zone is at inner side of OH zone for the diffusion flame , but both zones are approximately at the same position for the premixed flame .
The influence of oxidizer velocity on NOx emission characteristics of methane / oxygen-enriched air coflow jet diffusion flames was investigated experimentally .
Structure and UV Photocatalytic Activity of Fe ~ ( 3 + ) - Doped TiO_2 Nanocrystals Synthesized by Diffusion Combustion Flames
Due to there exists some doubts on the influence of humid air on CO emission , the process was calculated and analyzed considering the chemical mechanism by using an opposed diffusion flame .
On the basis of this , the effects of flame shape that shoot by digital camera were studied when methane was diluted by dilution and the concentration of oxidant varied .
Oscillating Combustion and Flame Modes in Different Oscillating Frequencies Oscillating combustion is a new technology for NO_x removal in high temperature industrial processes burning natural gas .
This paper simulated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons formation in C2H6 / O2 / N2 / AR laminar opposed flow diffusion flame using detailed chemical kinetic mechanism .
The study of methane-air diffusion flame by Xiao X. et al shows that this error reaches 34 % . This investigation indicates this error arrives at 48.8 % for ethylene-air diffusion flame .
To probe into the effects of the interaction of fluid mechanics and particle dynamics in the process of flame synthesis , the simulation of titania nanoparticle synthesis in the turbulent diffusion flame was performed by using the commercial CFD-code FLUENT .
With a counter-flow diffusion flame serving as an object of research the impact of fuel dilution on the NO_x formation in an oxygen-rich air / methane diffusion flame was studied with the help of a fully developed elementary reaction-dynamics model .
The laminar flamelet model in combination with joint probability density function ( PDF ) transport equation of mixture fraction and turbulence frequency is used to simulate fluctuating behavior of radiative source term in turbulent jet diffusion flames of hydrogen .
Subsequently , the mechanism of CO emission of synthesis gas-humid air diffusion flames was studied by using a model combustor . It was found that the CO emission did not increase monotonically with air humidity . However , the CO emission would at first decrease and then increase .
Chemical reaction mechanisms of turbulent non premixed carbon monoxide / hydrogen and methanol bluff body flame were simplified by rate sensitivity analysis method .
The stretched laminar diffusion flamelet structures under different strain rates were numerically calculated based on a set of detailed chemical reaction mechanism GRI-Mech 3.0 for methane oxidation . From the calculation , flamelet library consisting of a series of stretched laminar flamelet structures is generated .
The digital particle image velocimetry ( DPIV ) technique is used to measure the velocity distribution of gas flows around diffusion flames under the gradient magnetic field . The velocity distribution in the presence of the magnetic field is compared with that in the absence of the field .
Large-eddy simulation of swirling diffusion flame using two SGS turbulence models
An Experimental research on Oxygen-Enriched Air / Methane Counterflow Diffusion Flame