
zhí dá lì
  • bailiff
  1. 这个可怜的年轻人的事业不太妙,尽管这样,他还是付了一笔钱给我的执达吏,并遣走了看守。

    The poor man 's affairs are in a bad way , though this did not prevent him from paying off my bailiff and dismissing the watchman .

  2. 如信誉承兑人不兑现汇票,则须作该承兑人拒绝付款证书。法院的执达吏快要把人家告发我的拒绝付款状给我送来了。

    " When a bill is dishonoured by the acceptor for honour , it must be protested for non-payment by him . " Do you know that I should have had a bailiff and a protest after me ?

  3. 执达吏又同时把那张纸递给他。

    At the same time , the usher handed him the paper .

  4. 执达吏把他独自留下。

    The usher had left him alone .

  5. 执达吏剪断了将这些路障绑在一起的塑胶带,清除了堵在大厦入口的路障。

    The bailiffs cut plastic ties holding the barricades together to clear the entrance of the building .

  6. 他跟着执达吏走去。

    He followed the usher .

  7. 执达吏接了那张纸,瞟了一眼,便遵命照办了。

    " Take this to Monsieur le President ," The usher took the paper , cast a glance upon it , and obeyed .

  8. “现在已继续开审了一些时候了,”执达吏回答,“但是门不会开。”

    " The hearing has just been begun again ," replied the usher ," but the door will not be opened again . "

  9. 庭长把传票交给一个执达吏,过一会,证人室的门开了。

    The President transmitted the order to an usher , and , a moment later , the door of the witnesses ' room opened .

  10. 这正是刚才把背向着他的那个执达吏,现在向他鞠躬直达地面了。

    It was the same usher who had turned his back upon him but a moment previously , and who was now bowing to the earth before him .

  11. 我们讲着他的历史的这个伤心人立在大厅门旁,他立的地位和态度,一直和那执达吏先头离开他时一样。

    The unhappy man whose history we are relating had remained near the door of the hall , in the same place and the same attitude in which the usher had left him .

  12. 证券交易委员为了获取记录向安然和上诉人送达传票。庭长把传票交给一个执达吏,过一会,证人室的门开了。

    The SEC served Enron and petitioner with subpoenas for records . The President transmitted the order to an usher , and , a moment later , the door of the witnesses ' room opened .

  13. 执达吏停了一会又说:“在庭长先生的背后还有两三个位子,但是庭长先生只允许公家的官员进去坐。”

    The usher added after a pause : " there are , to tell the truth , two or three extra places behind Monsieur le president , but Monsieur le president only admits public functionaries to them . "

  14. 执达吏,庭长说,教大家静下来,我立刻要宣告辩论终结。法庭辩论终结,由审判长按照原告、被告、第三人的先后顺序征询各方最后意见。

    " Ushers ," said the President , " enforce silence , I am going to sum up the arguments . " at the conclusion of the debate , the presiding judge asks first the plaintiff , then the defendant and then the third party , for their final say .