
  • 网络executive coach
  1. 执行教练SuzanneBates说,这个简单问题非常重要,但是却往往被遗忘。

    This simple question is important but often forgotten , according to executive coach Suzanne Bates .

  2. 即使你的工作量已经满了,但是当上司交代你做其他任务时你也不应该拒绝。执行教练PeggyKlaus建议说。

    Even if your work plate already is full , you really shouldn 't say no when the boss approaches with additional duties , advises executive coach Peggy Klaus .

  3. 企业发展顾问和执行教练GayleLantz说,管理者们愿意听听那些关心企业提升的员工的看法。

    Managers want to hear from employees who are concerned with improving business , says Gayle Lantz , an organizational development consultant and executive coach .

  4. AMA“对管理领域最具影响力的50位最伟大的思考者和商业领导者”,《福布斯》“五位最受尊重的执行教练”之一。

    He is " one of50 considerers and business leaders who have weightiest impact to management vacation " commented by AMA ," one of5 executive coaches who are most respected " commented by Fubusi .

  5. 发展你的教练技巧,因为它们与专业组织与领导效能时,您的追求心理学文学硕士的,执行教练专业化从落基山

    Develop your coaching skills as they relate to professional organization and leadership effectiveness when you pursue your Master of Arts in Psychology , Execut

  6. 我们能做的就是祈祷和向他们表示同情,同时努力继续执行教练的意图,争取赢得金牌。

    All you can do is send your prayers and sympathies to the family and try to continue what Hugh would want us to do , and that 's try to win a gold medal .

  7. 里约奥运会期间担任郎平助理教练的安家杰被排协任命为执行教练。执行教练也是新设立的职位,负责日常执教工作,旨在减轻总教练的负担。

    An Jiajie , Lang Ping 's assistant coach at the Rio Olympics , was named by the association as executive coach , also a new position designed for routine coaching work in a bid to reduce the burden of the chief coach .

  8. 变革型教练工具能够全方位地用于个人身上,我到处使用它们,从生命教练到执行官教练。

    " Transformational coaching tools that address the whole person . I use them everywhere , from life coaching to Executive Coaching " Linda Hamilton , Professional Certified Coach .