
shè xiàng
  • Camera;pickup;camera shooting;videotape
摄像 [shè xiàng]
  • [videotape] 用特种装置把物体的图像分解,变成电信号,记录下来

摄像[shè xiàng]
  1. 改造冷却系统采用软水闭路循环技术、采用遥控喷涂造衬技术以及智能专家系统和炉顶摄像技术的应用,延长了高炉的寿命。

    The service life of blast furnace can be elongated with application of soft water closed cycle technology for cooling system , remote control lining forming with spray , and the expert system and the camera shooting technology in furnace top .

  2. 谈尸体检验摄像

    On the Video Camera Shooting during Corpse Inspection

  3. 有了数字电视你就可以选择你所需要的摄像角度。

    With digital you can choose the camera angle you want .

  4. 电视台摄像师被请进来拍摄他工作的镜头。

    Television cameras were invited in to film him at work .

  5. 在摄像时他不慎滑倒在飞机座位间的通道上。

    He slipped and fell on an airplane gangway as the cameras rolled

  6. 摄影师和摄像师们蜂拥上前。

    The photographers and cameramen surged forward .

  7. 隔着两个座位那边的是安德鲁·马佐利尼,他是当地的一位摄像师,正在酒吧吃午饭。

    Just two seats over , Andrew Mazoleny , a local videographer , is finishing his lunch at the bar .

  8. 你能不能把摄像探头固定住不动?

    Can you get a little tighter with the talon ?

  9. 基于摄像的服装款式CAD中的填充处理技术

    A Filling Method Based on Video Image in a Garment Style System

  10. 服装CAD纸样摄像输入法的探讨及其效益分析

    A study on the camera-inputting of apparel CAD patterns and the benefit analysis

  11. MS型摄像管聚焦磁场的计算

    Calculation of focusing magnetic field for MS type camera tube

  12. 基于DSP的数字摄像传输系统的设计

    Digital Video Processing and Transmission System Based on DSP

  13. 提出基于摄像检测的整纬系统,使用CCD摄像机取代传统光电式整纬机的光电探头。

    , we propose a weft-straightening system based on camera detection .

  14. CCD摄像快速瞄准的误差补偿方法研究

    Study of error correction method for CCD camerawork with fast aim

  15. 一个基于X射线摄像的智能图像诊断系统

    Smart image diagnosing system based on x-rays-photograph

  16. 对CCD摄像器件的全球市场与国内市场进行了分析与预测。

    The market analysis and forecasting on CCD imaging sensors are described .

  17. 建立了用于工件尺寸测量的CCD摄像测量系统。

    A CCD measuring system was constructed to measure the size of workpieces .

  18. CCD图象传感器及其最新进展高速固体摄像器件

    CCD IMAGE SENSOR AND ITS APPLICATIONS High Frame Rate Video Solid State Image Sensor

  19. 小型针孔广角CCD摄像物镜研究

    Research of The Short Pinhole Wide-Angle CCD Lens

  20. 同CCD摄像法比较,该方法具有更广的波长适应性。

    This method is more suitable in large wavelength range compared with CCD camera .

  21. 等离子体中弹丸消融的CCD摄像

    CCD Photography of Pellet Ablation in Plasma

  22. 文章介绍一种实用的CCD摄像检测系统中光学系统的设计方案。

    The paper presents a practical method of the optical design of CCD measuring systems .

  23. 微光CCD摄像器件灵敏阈研究

    A study of threshold LLL-CCD cameras

  24. CMOS图像传感器阵列在μ秒级物理暂态摄像系统中的应用

    Applications of CMOS Image Sensor Matrix in μ - second Transient Image Capture System

  25. 采用DMA技术高速采集摄像CCD输出信号

    A High-Speed Data Acquisition System for Output Signals from Imaging CCD by DMA Technique

  26. 采用三相帧转移结构研制了600(V)×500(H)元CCD摄像器件。

    A 600 ( V )× 500 ( H ) element frame-transfer CCD image sensor has been developed with three-phase structure .

  27. 遥感器CCD驱动器热设计及其在摄像过程中的温度变化

    Thermal design of CCD driver and its temperature changing in the course of taking picture of space remote sensor

  28. 介绍了一种应用于CCD彩色摄像系统的视频锁相同步系统。

    This paper introduces the design and implementation of the video phase locked synchronism system for CCD color camera .

  29. 应用CCD摄像和数字电子技术,研制了新型光电等厚干涉实验仪,不仅能将等厚干涉图像放大显示在监视器屏幕上,而且还可对图像进行数字化读数测量。

    Applied CCD camera and digital electronic technologies , a new photoelectric experimental instrument for equal thickness interference is developed .

  30. 本文主要以手机CMOS摄像模组(CCM)为例。

    This paper mainly taked CMOS camera module of mobile phone as an example .