
and then stand in line to see Santa with my hands in my muff .
" Ah , you 've come !" she said , and drew her hand from her muff .
and she dried Gerda 's eyes , and put both her hands in the handsome muff , which was so soft and warm .
She had furry articles for winter wear , as tippets , boas , and muffs , which stood up on end in rampant manner , and were not at all sleek .
Ms. Zong said they are preparing for winter and are even considering buying special mittens , consisting of one mitten for him and one for her and a muff in the middle so the couple can stay warm without ever having to let go of each other 's hands .
The move into radio came about partly because , after almost 20 years , he had grown tired of the movie business .
Use a hand pump instead of CO2 cartridges to inflate tyres .
Near the masses also hand over to the victims and pray .
A warm tubular covering for the hands .