
  • 网络tremor
  1. 我的手抖得如此厉害,几乎都拿不住麦克风了。

    My hand shook so much that I could hardly hold the microphone

  2. 他的左臂松驰地垂着,手抖得厉害。

    His left arm hung slack and his hand trembled a good deal .

  3. 刚才不小心我的手抖了一下。

    Just now my hands shook a little bit due to my carelessness .

  4. 我最担心的就是手抖这个问题了。

    But one thing I 'm actually really nervous about is my hands shaking .

  5. 从那以后,那老头,他连拿汤匙都手抖。

    After that , the old man , he can 't even hold a spoon without shaking .

  6. 我现在还留着那本日记那些图画难以辨认,因为我的手抖得太厉害。

    I still have the diary the drawings are barely legible as my hand was trembling so much .

  7. 轻度低血糖时可有心慌、手抖、饥饿、出冷汗等表现。

    Mild hypoglycemia can be a flustered , Shoudou , hunger , cold sweat , such as a performance .

  8. 或者我一紧张就会手抖,我还非常清楚这一点。

    Or that when I get nervous , my hands start shaking and I 'm really self-conscious about it .

  9. 尼摩船长的手抖起来,几滴眼泪从他的眼中流出来了,从前我以为他的眼睛是不会哭的。

    Captain Nemo clenched his fists , and tears slid from his eyes , which I had thought incapable of weeping .

  10. 他将两腿松弛地搭在椅背上。他的左臂松弛地垂着,手抖得厉害

    He draped his legs over the arms of his chair His left arm hung slack and his hand trembled a good deal

  11. 我的两腿、左臂都状况良好。他的左臂松弛地垂着,手抖得厉害

    My two legs and my left arm are all fine . His left arm hung slack and his hand trembled a good deal

  12. 整个黄昏,他就在箱子桌子堆里摸索,手抖抖的解开许多文件,把它们收拾整齐,准备乔斯回家的时候给他看。

    He passed the evening fumbling amongst his boxes and desks , untying his papers with trembling hands , and sorting and arranging them against Jos 's arrival .

  13. 你的胃不舒服了?你的呼吸急促了?脉搏加快了?手抖了?

    Does your stomach tense ? your breathing quicken ? your pulse race ? your hands tremble ? these sensations prevented Carly Simon from performing live for years .

  14. 想要避免手抖吗?呒,用你小孩的脖子来支撑,同时快要把他勒死!

    Want to get rid of the shaking in your shot ? Well , use the neck support of your kid , nearly strangling him in the meantime !

  15. 他们清楚,由于实验的志愿者非常穷,会更容易支付足以让他们头晕手抖的报酬。

    They knew that when the experiment 's volunteers were very poor , it would be easier to pay them enough money to make heads spin and hands shake .

  16. 开启防手抖模式,这将帮助你在慢速快门或者拍摄移动物品的时候抱持画面更加精确稳定。

    The IS ( Image Stabilizer ) might be helpful if you are shooting at slower shutter speeds , when there is a surge , or if you have a constantly moving object .

  17. 生理性手抖常在精神紧张、恐惧、.情绪激动、剧痛及极度疲劳的情况下出现,一旦引起手抖的上述原因消除,手抖也随之消失。

    The mood is excited , in the severe pain and the extreme weary situation presents , once causes the above reason which the hand shakes to eliminate , the hand shakes also along with it vanishing .