
  1. 所有的手持电动工具接入接地故障漏电保护。

    All hand-held power-driven tools shall be earthed for earth leakage protection .

  2. 系列化产品设计方法探讨&手持电动工具系列化设计

    Methodology Discussion for Product Seriation Design , Handy Power Tools Seriation Design

  3. 手持电动工具保持良好,且仅用于所设计的用途。

    Hand-held power-driven tools shall be properly maintained and only used for designed purposes .

  4. 整理用户需求,使之转化为产品功能,最终达到优化手持电动工具的设计目的。

    The requirement of users gathered transforms the function of products , and the design of hand electric tools is optimized finally .