
  • 网络hand bouquets;hand flower;twirl
  1. 为自己的毕业舞会女伴选一个能够跟她的礼服相配的手花大概是一些年轻人很头疼的事情。不过,这个毕业季,肯德基推出了一款能跟任何礼服搭配的炸鸡手花来救场。

    Choosing a corsage that matches your date 's prom dress can be a major source of anxiety for some young men , but KFC has come to the rescue this prom season with a fried chicken corsage that goes with everything .

  2. 4月9日,YouTube视频网站上传了一段介绍炸鸡手花的视频,视频的浏览次数达到25万次。

    A YouTube video , which has been viewed more than 250000 times , was uploaded on April 9 to introduce the novel product .

  3. 那个高尔夫球手花了四杆去打那落入沙坑的球。

    The golfer lost four strokes trying to get the ball out of the sand trap .

  4. 肯德基与其总部附近的花饰公司Nanz&Kraft共同打造了这款手花。

    The company teamed up with Nanz & Kraft , a Kentucky-based florist near its headquarters , to help craft the product .

  5. 肯德基建议高中生们用炸鸡手花邀请自己心仪的对象做毕业舞会的舞伴。

    KFC suggests that its crispy ' Chicken Corsage ' should be used by high school students to ask their sweetheart to prom .

  6. 如果将手花提高置于胸前,你的肩膀会提高,给人紧张的感觉。

    If spend before exaltation place at the thoracic cavity , you of the shoulder will raise and give the body the strained sense .

  7. 肯德基最近推出了一款用炸鸡做的手花,并称该手花最适合送给参加毕业舞会的女孩们,她们一定能享受吃完舔手指的乐趣。

    KFC has launched a fried chicken corsage , touting it as the ultimate ' promposal ' gift for girls who love its ' finger lickin ' delights .

  8. 肯德基推出的这款可以吃的时尚配饰已在官网销售,价格为20美元。手花由一个散发着香味的满天星花环和一块金色的炸鸡腿做成。

    The fast food chain 's edible fashion accessory - found at www.kfc.com/corsage for $ 20 - features one golden drumstick along with a wreath of sweet-smelling baby 's breath flowers .

  9. 通过手花、手型、腰姿、崩脚尖、小跳步等局部动作和手臂、脚步、腿型的伸展造型相结合来展现身体形态的曲线之美。

    Type , hand by hand , waist position , collapse and tiptoe , small leapfrog local action arms , feet , legs stretched modelling combination to show the beauty of the curve of the body shape . 3 .

  10. 肯德基发言人称至今他们已经售出了40个炸鸡手花。幸运的女士可以从三款炸鸡中任意挑选:吮指原味鸡、劲脆鸡腿或者肯塔基烤鸡,Nanz&Kraft花饰公司说也许会根据女生的裙子颜色配送相应的手花。

    A spokesperson told MailOnline that to date they have sold almost 40 of the grease-laden bouquets . Lucky ladies can choose from three flavors : Original Recipe , Extra Crispy or Kentucky Grilled Chicken , which Nanz & Kraft says might be selected based on the color of the dress .

  11. 手把花锄出绣窗。

    Take the flower hoe go outside .

  12. 那天我们花了几个小时拔这些蒲公英,然后再用手把花给掐掉。

    We spent hours picking the flowers and then popping the blossoms off with a snap of our fingers .

  13. 手把花锄出绣帘,忍踏落花来复去。

    Spade in hand , I go out from under my fine curtain , To and fro on fallen petals , how can I bear treading ?

  14. 秘鲁冲浪手多明戈花了十多年时间教狗狗冲浪,而现在,他又故计重演,成了训练羊驼冲浪的第一人。

    Peruvian surfer Domingo Pianezzi has spent a decade training dogs to surf , but now he has gone a step further and become the first person to pull the same trick with an alpaca .

  15. 手种牵牛花,接连有三四年了。

    I have been planting morning glories for three to four years now .

  16. 你手上的花就是证据。

    The flowers you have are good evidence .

  17. 摘一手把金针花南瓜花做早餐。

    Pick a handful of day lily and pumpkin flowers for the morning table .

  18. 他带领手下人,花了十年时间在寻找埋在地下的金子。

    For ten years , he led his men in the search for the buried gold .

  19. 当她正在栽一棵她认为很美丽的野花的时候,他站在她的身边。她用小巧的手栽着花,用指头在花周围紧按上些泥土。

    Field-flower that she found so pretty ; she planted it with her little hand , and pressed the earth around it with her fingers .

  20. 子里来。当她正在栽一棵她认为很美丽的野花的时候,他站在她的身边。她用小巧的手栽着花,用指头在花周围紧按上些泥土。“噢!这是什么?”

    and he stood by her there whilst she planted a field-flower that she found so pretty ; she planted it with her little hand , and pressed the earth around it with her fingers . Oh ! what was that ? She had stuck herself .

  21. 你站在门口,手上拿着花和糖果,想象她一开门你就达阵得分。

    You show up at the door with flowers and candy , and think that you are about to score brownie points when she opens the door .

  22. 潮艺手绣手钩花钉珠总厂创建于1985年。潮艺手绣手钩花钉珠总厂坐落在广州海珠区、鹭江。

    The moist skill embroidered the hand hook flower nail bead main plant to found in 1985 . Is situated in the Guangzhou sea bead area , Lujiang .

  23. 手染是把花模板压在平展的布面上,然后用特制的染沐刷浸,稍干后揭开模板即可。

    Hands are dyed to press the colored template on the open and flat cloth cover , then use purpose-built dyeing and bathing in and is brushing and is soaked , do slightly , open the template .

  24. 花店送来的手花会是一个满天星花环和一张价值5美元的肯德基代金券,这样你就可以自己选择用哪种口味的炸鸡腿来搭配你的手花,有原味吮指鸡、劲脆鸡腿以及肯塔基烤鸡腿三种选择。

    The florist sends a corsage with baby 's breath and a $ 5 KFC gift check so you can choose a piece of Original Recipe , Extra Crispy or Kentucky Grilled Chicken for the corsage centerpiece . ( Source : latimes )