
  • 网络EMI Filter
  1. 通过电磁干扰滤波器的设计实例分析,使设计者理解和选择最适宜用于特殊用途的铁氧体材料和成分,掌握共模感应器的设计方法和实际应用中应注意的问题。

    With the analysis of EMI filter ′ s design as an example , this paper could help the designer understand and choose the ferrite material and component which are optimum for their special purpose , master the design method and attention points in actual application .

  2. 然后,通过给微机保护装置的外部端口进行电快速瞬变脉冲群抗扰度试验提出并验证了改进的分布式电源、串联铁氧体磁珠、电磁干扰滤波器和并联瞬态抑制二极管等措施。

    Then , the microprocessor protection device is under EFT / B immunity test . Improved distribution power supply , ferrite core , EMI filter and transient voltage suppressor can be used in the microprocessor protection device to control EFT / B through experiments .

  3. 片式抗电磁干扰滤波器Ni-Zn铁氧体材料与工艺研究

    Study on the Ni - Zn Ferrite Material and Process Used for Chip Anti - EMI Filters

  4. 集成模块用有源电磁干扰滤波器的设计

    A study on Design of an active EMI filter for integrated power electronics modules

  5. 电磁干扰滤波器磁芯的选择设计

    Choice and Design of EMI Filter

  6. 提出一种基于集成电路超微细加工技术制造电磁干扰滤波器的薄膜集成制造新技术。

    A new technique for fabricating EMIF in thin film IC based on superfine processing technique is proposed .

  7. 抗电磁干扰滤波器获得了在武器装备电子系统中的大量使用,成为必不可少的抗电磁加固关键元器件。

    Anti-electromagnetic interference filters to obtain the weapons and equipments in electronic systems in use has become an indispensable key to strengthen anti-electromagnetic components .

  8. 针对比较严重的传导骚扰发射,设计了一种电源线电磁干扰抑制滤波器,结果表明,使用滤波器后弧焊电源的传导骚扰发射大大降低,可以达到标准的要求。

    A power input line equipped EMI filter is designed to suppress the conducted emission . Experimental results indicated that EMI filter can reduce conduced emission of arc welding power source and meet the requirement of international standards .

  9. 由反激电路构成的功率因数校正电路必须工作在断续模式,并且需要大体积的电磁干扰(EMI)滤波器。

    The PFC topology constituted by flyback circuit must work in discontinuous mode ( DCM ), and requires large electromagnetic interference ( EMI ) filter .

  10. 文中提出的这种电子镇流器由电磁干扰(EMI)滤波器、交流/直流整流器、功率因数校正电路(PFC)、半桥逆变谐振电路和可调光控制电路级联而成。

    The proposed electronic ballast is the cascade operation of electro magnetic interference ( EMI ) filter , AC / DC rectifier , PFC , half-bridge inverter and dimmable control circuit .

  11. 在简要介绍一种新的宽频带电磁干扰(EMI)滤波器设计思路的基础上,重点论述了高频段同轴腔EMI滤波器的设计方法。

    The new idea of the broad band EMI filter design is brought forward briefly . The design method of the coaxial cavity EMI filter which is used in high frequency is stressed .

  12. 多电平逆变器具有输出电压谐波含量低、电磁干扰小、输出滤波器体积小等优点,有助于光伏并网系统提高效率,减小体积,在光伏发电领域中具有广泛的应用前景。

    Multilevel inverter has low output voltage harmonic content , low electromagnetic interference , and small output filter , can help PV grid-connected system to improve efficiency and reduce the volume . This kind of inverter has a wide range of applications in the field of photovoltaic power generation .

  13. 为了进行可靠的浪涌保护以及满足电磁兼容的要求,将压敏电阻与电磁干扰滤波器结合起来进行浪涌抑制。

    In order to suppress surges reliably and meet the requirements for EMC of the electronic devices , the metal-oxide varistor and electromagnetic interference filter are combined to suppress surge .