
fánɡ dì chǎn shānɡ
  • real estate agent;operator in real estate
  1. 房地产商正在消毒他的房子。

    His real estate agent 's fumigating his house .

  2. 第三,心理预期对房地产市场的影响也非常关键,由于在房地产商与购买者之间存在一个信息获取的过程,而传递这一信息的媒体,则左右了购买者心理预期。

    Third , the psychological expectations of the impact of the real estate market is also very crucial , because in the real estate agent and a buyer exists between access to information process , and convey this information to the media , about the purchase of those psychological expectations .

  3. 这时PE成功吸引了房地产商的注意力。

    At this time , the PE has successfully attracted the attention of the real estate business .

  4. 在中国,地方政府用基建项目拉动国内生产总值(GDP),经常会依靠向房地产商卖地的方式融资,房地产业也因此成为中国经济增长的主要推动因素。

    China 's real estate sector is a major driving force for economic growth , as local governments who fund the infrastructure projects that boost GDP often rely on land sales to property developers for financing .

  5. 其中最大的住宅房地产商savills,股价上涨了50%。

    Savills , the largest listed residential estate agent , is up 50 per cent .

  6. 研究表明,由于信贷约束的存在,如果房地产商的贷款抵押价值比(LTV)过高就会面临巨大的风险。

    Studies show that if the Loan to Value ( LTV ) of the developers is too high , risk would arise due to borrowing constraints .

  7. 那年冬天,很多房地产商惨淡经营。

    That winter was a hard time for most property developers .

  8. 该名单本应包括珠宝商、对冲基金和房地产商。

    That included jewelry sales , hedge funds and real estate .

  9. 对番禺房地产商营销理念的剖析

    An Analysis of Marketing Idea of Real-estate Businessmen of Panyu

  10. 基于土地资源配置的房地产商合作博弈分析

    Land-Resource-Distribution Based Game Analysis of Real Estate Developers ' Collaboration

  11. 你最好去找房地产商。

    You 'd better turn to real estate agents .

  12. 房地产商经历了场激烈的搏斗。

    Real estate man put up quite a fight .

  13. 一个著名的房地产商说到,年轻人就该买不起房。

    A famous land agent said that the young people shouldn 't afford an apartment .

  14. 房地产商的崛起是去年中国房地产价格暴涨的一大体现。

    Their rise reflects a sharp rise in Chinese real estate prices over the past year .

  15. “心急如焚”的房地产商只有变相降价一条路可走。

    " great sense of urgency " in the real estate business relies only one way .

  16. 西方的法院倾向于驳回房地产商的申诉而仅仅因“夸大其词”。

    Western courts tend to dismiss the claims of real estate agents as " mere puffery " .

  17. 这太奇怪了我跟那个房地产商

    You know , it 's weird . I went out with that other real estate guy ,

  18. 房地产商在抄作抬高房价坐庄套现钞,不要上当!

    Real estate bid up prices in the Chaozuo Zuozhuang sets of cash , not to be taken !

  19. 房地产商与政府之间在土地买卖关系的合作博弈在实现拍卖效率的同时可以降低土地的出让价格。

    Cooperative games for land trading between developers and governments improve the efficiency and lower the land prices .

  20. 目前已经有部分的房地产商转型为商业地产商了,他表示。

    At present there are already part of the transition to commercial real estate developers , he said .

  21. 要知道,如果罗蒙斯他们让我来代表他们处理而不是去找房地产商去代理。

    You know , if the Lomans had let me represent them instead of the Real Estate King .

  22. 房地产商应该从加强住房产品创新与打出价格优势两方面推动住房消费。

    The real estate business should be to strengthen the housing consumption from the price advantage and product innovation .

  23. 有房地产商称,这几乎让他们在将至的寒冬中看到夏日的阳光。

    Some real estate developers even noted that they saw the summer sun light in the coming cold winter .

  24. 或史密斯狱友…换个话题吧,米兰达,和房地产商进行得如何?

    Cellmate Smith Okay , moving on . Miranda , how was your date with the real estate guy ?

  25. 名列排行榜第二位的是另一位房地产商许荣茂,他的个人净资产达73亿美元;

    In second place was another developer , Hui Wing Mau , with a net worth of $ 7.3 billion .

  26. 发展我国社区(乡镇)图书馆的几点思考&积极诱导房地产商举办社区图书馆

    Some Ideas on Developing Community / Township Library & Simultaneously Discuss Actively Inducing Real Estate Developer to Establish Community Library

  27. 其中每一环节都是房地产商的最终产品增值的价值活动。

    All of the links of the marketing are aimed at the final product increment for the real estate owners .

  28. 房地产商面对现今房地产业发生的变化,要实现其利润的增长,经营理念需要不断的创新。

    Change the face of the real estate business occurring today , to grow their profits , business concept requires constant innovation .

  29. 越来越多的房地产商面临财务困难。因此,他们需要寻求一些新的融资渠道。

    More and more domestic land agents are faced with difficulties in financing , and they need to find some new financing channel .

  30. 麦当劳今天已是世界上最大的房地产商了,它拥有的房地产甚至超过了天主教会。

    McDonald 's today is the largest single owner of real estate in the world , owning even more than the Catholic Church .