
xuè tǒnɡ lùn
  • theory of the bloodline
  1. 但凉山的传统婚姻制度是对当地的自然与文化长期适应的结果,且婚改文件中阶级斗争话语与凉山彝族的等级血统论同构,故使婚改失败。

    Nevertheless , Lingshan Yis ' traditional marriage was the outcome of the mutual adaptation of local natural conditions and culture .

  2. 其次,以傻子非正义的身份,否定封建传统的血统论对人的价值、自由的残害。

    Second , negate traditional descent of feudal system about the value and freedom to human being who has suffered for a long time via an invalid identity .

  3. 本文主要选取恶霸地主形象、转变者形象、农村落后干部形象、农村落后妇女形象四种人物形象类型,分别从限制修辞、革命血统论、文化碰撞、政治规训四个层面来观察和分析。

    This text mainly choose despotic landlord image , treason image , rural backward cadre image , rural backward woman image , and separately observes and analyzes them from restrain rhetoric , revolutionary blood lineage theory , culture collide , political rule train .