
  • 网络Jaycee;jaycee chan;Jaycee Fang
  1. 房祖名是迈克尔杰克逊的粉丝。

    Jaycee is a fan of Michael Jackson .

  2. 房祖名近年来与父多有争执,2011年成龙表示,他死后不会将财产留给儿子,他会把财产都捐给慈善机构,这样他的儿子就不得不自食其力了。

    Jaycee has had several run-ins with his father over the years and in 2011 , Jackie Chan said he would not be leaving his fortune to his son upon his death , but donating it to charity in order to force his son to earn his own money .

  3. 据报道,房祖名与父亲关系紧张。

    Mr. Chan and his father have reportedly had a strained relationship .

  4. 房祖名推动年轻人认识中国文化。

    Fang Tsuming impels the young people to know the Chinese culture .

  5. 迈克尔杰克逊是房祖名的偶像。

    Jaycee 's idol is Michael Jackson .

  6. 成龙于1982年与林凤娇结婚并育有一子一一演员、歌手房祖名。

    Jackie has been married to Lin Feng-Jiao since 1982 and has a son , actor-singer Jaycee Chan .

  7. 北京的警方在8月从北京的公寓连同台湾影星柯震东一起带走了房祖名并进行拘留。

    Beijing police detained the younger Chan at his Beijing apartment in August along with Taiwanese movie star Ko Kai .

  8. 在洛杉矶长大的房祖名在电影业远不如其父亲那样成功。

    Unlike his father , the younger Mr. Chan , who grew up in Los Angeles , has met with little of his father 's success in the film industry .

  9. 香港动作影星成龙说,房祖名被北京的检举人起诉涉毒并可能入狱3年,他为自己的儿子感到羞耻。

    Hong Kong action film star Jackie Chan said he feels shame for his son , who has been indicted by Beijing prosecutors on a drug charge and could be jailed for up to three years .

  10. 第一个故事讲的是关于疯狂和破坏,一个单身母亲(周韵),因其追求安全宁静的古怪行为,总是搅乱她儿子(房祖名的正常生活。

    The first sequence is all about madness and mischief as a single mother ( Zhuo Yun ) drives her devoted son ( Jaycee Chan ) to distraction with her daredevil antics in pursuit of tranquility .

  11. 另据中国媒体报道,成龙的经纪人也在周一晚对新闻媒体发了一份声明,承认31岁的房祖名被拘留,并代表成龙向社会道歉。

    Also on Monday evening , Jackie Chan 's management company released a statement to the news media acknowledging the detention of the younger Mr. Chan , 31 , and apologizing to society on his behalf , according to Chinese media reports .