
  • 网络strategic flexibility;Strategic Agility
  1. 工程建设项目战略灵活性的实物期权评价

    The Real Option Evaluation of Strategic Flexibility in Construction Projects

  2. 为了提高集团的战略灵活性,在共享服务战略实施初期,就应为其设计相应的退出通道。

    To enhance the strategic flexibility , they should set up a quit channel at the initial stage of implementing shared service strategy .

  3. 而新军事革命所产生的各种技术和理论,使美国能以相对较小的代价、较少的附带损伤和较大的战略灵活性取得达到其战略意图。

    All kinds of technology and theories from RMA make America get its strategic purpose by less cost , less accessional lesion and more strategic lightness .

  4. 然后将这5个因素归入两个维度,一个是对战略灵活性的要求,另一个是对控制程度的要求,从而建立了外部成长方式选择的决策思路。

    Then , the paper sorts the factors into two facets , one is the demand of strategic flexibility , the other is the demand of ownership control , thus establishes a dicision thinking .

  5. 战略承诺灵活性的期权分析

    The Option Analysis for Strategic Commitments Flexibility

  6. 战略承诺灵活性的重要意义在于其赋予企业以期权价值。

    The significance of strategic commitments flexibility lies in its embodiment of enterprises with optional value .

  7. 契约型战略联盟的灵活性期权价值研究

    The Flexibility Option Value of a Contractual Strategic Alliance

  8. 通过上述分析,本文希冀对中国企业开展国际化经营提供的启示是当企业在海外扩张中面临陌生的环境时,对当地市场的特性给予足够的关注并保持战略上的灵活性是取得成功的关键。

    The implication of our study for the indigenous Chinese companies in their international expansion is that when facing alien business environment in overseas market , paying attention to the idiosyncratic local market condition and keeping strategic flexibility are pivotal to their success .

  9. 战略柔性要求媒体在战略的稳定性和灵活性之间寻找最佳的平衡点;

    The media must keep its balance between strategic variety and stabilization .

  10. 要对不确定性进行系统管理,企业必须发展改变战略的能力他称之为“战略灵活性”。

    To manage uncertainty systematically , companies need to develop the ability to change strategy " strategic flexibility " as he calls it .

  11. 传统的顾客资产测量忽略了顾客资产对企业战略发展的贡献及作为一种战略资产进行灵活性管理的价值,即顾客资产战略价值。

    The traditional measurement of customer equity models ignores the contributions of customer equity to the development of the enterprise strategies and , as well the values of flexible management of customer equity as strategic assets .

  12. 跨国公司可以在全球范围内进行资源的最佳配置,实行区域间生产和销售的战略调整,并能够利用汇率波动产生战略投资的灵活性,获得灵活性期权。

    Multinational enterprises may carry out the best deployment of resources in the sphere of the whole world , in order to actualize strategic adjustment of inter zone production and distribution . It can utilize the fluctuation of exchange rate to produce strategic investment flexibility , and obtain flexibility option .