
  • 网络war zone
  1. 联合国难民事务高级专员署女发言人MelissaFleming表示,人们在战争区域越来越陷入困境。

    UNHCR spokeswoman , Melissa Fleming , says people are becoming in a war zone .

  2. 医疗队已经飞到战争区域来照料伤员。

    Medical teams have been flown into the war zone to care for the wounded .

  3. 甚至在战争区域,美国空军也开始担心普通战机会与稍小的无人机相撞。

    Even in war zones , the American air force is starting to worry about the danger of aircraft colliding with smaller UAVs .

  4. 船被设计在战争区域中为军事人员提供治疗,尤其在水陆两栖攻击军事行动中。

    The ship was designed to provide medical treatment for military personnel in the war zone , in particular in an amphibious assault operation .

  5. 当您要去动荡地区旅行时,应与平安热线联系,了解该地区是否已被列为战争区域。

    If traveling to places of unrest , you should contact the Ping An hotline and be informed whether the place is listed as war-zone .

  6. 在一切敌后地区和战争区域,应强调同一性,不应强调特殊性,否则就会是绝大的错误。

    In all regions behind the enemy lines and in all the war zones , stress should be laid not on particularity , but on identity ; to do otherwise would be a gross error .

  7. 也许一个人生活在被战争蹂躏的区域。

    Or perhaps one has lived in a war-torn region .

  8. 当地政府表示,这架飞机在美国一空中基地以西100英里左右的山村附近坠毁,该地为阿富汗战争的重点区域。

    Local authorities say it went down near a village about 100 miles west of a U.S. operated airbase , which is a key part of the war effort in Afghanistan .

  9. 他担心旁观者们认为这不足为奇,因为叙利亚正处于一个充满战争与冲突的区域的中心。

    He is worried that onlookers may think this is normal , seeing that Syria lies in the centre of a region which is no stranger to wars and strife .

  10. 尽管贸易是早期全球化的重要因素,但它的主动力仍然是战争。战争不仅建立了区域性的世界帝国,而且促进了全球文化交流。

    Although commerce is an important factor of early globalization , its initiative is still warfare , which not only establish the territorial world empire , but also accelerate global culture communication .