
  1. 这可能意味着公司可以在电子排行榜上监控员工的生产率并给予获胜者奖励,或者为那些完成某项工作的员工颁发电子奖章或星标。

    It might mean monitoring employee productivity on a digital leaderboard and offering prizes to the winners , or giving employees digital badges or stars for completing certain activities .

  2. 运用MAC协议一种类型便是以太网,它被用于总线或星型拓扑结构。

    One type of MAC is Ethernet , which is used by bus or star network topologies .

  3. 数字通信用对绞或星绞多芯对称电缆第1部分:总规范

    Multicore and symmetrical pair / quad cables for digital communications Part 1 : Generic specification

  4. 然而,天空中的多数恒星位于遥远的星系或星云中。

    But most of the stars in the sky are far away galaxies or nebula .

  5. 在铁路网络传输方面,推荐使用总线型或星型的光纤通道。

    On the railway network transmission , optical fiber channels based on bus structure or star structure is recommend .

  6. 在假设条件下,芯片网络可采用总线型、环型或星型物理拓扑结构连接。

    The chip network can be realized in bus , ring , and star topology physically under the assumption .

  7. 同时,深空测控通信系统中的深空应答机或星载接收机又向着数字化、小型化的方向发展。

    Deep space transponder and satellite receiver in deep space TT & C system shou be developed towards the direction of miniaturization and digital .

  8. 由于网络技术发展以及新型网络设备的不断出现,使得在网络主干网太多数采用网状或星型拓扑结构,接入网的用户采用星状拓扑结构。

    Because network technique development and new network equipmentses appear continuously , make fuck in the campus net lord net too many numbers adoption net or star type rush toward the construction , connect into , the customer of the net adopts the star form rushes toward the construction .

  9. SETOPTIMIZATIONENVIRONMENTSTARJOIN语句可用来启用、禁用或强制星型连接计划用于当前会话的所有查询。

    The SET OPTIMIZATION ENVIRONMENT STAR_JOIN statement can be used to enable , disable , or force star join plans for all queries in the current session .

  10. 中国专家说,与国外那些适合观测相对稳定黑洞的X射线卫星相比,中国的卫星更适合观测活跃的黑洞或中子星。这次观测的另外一个主要任务是找到与引力波相关的电磁信号。

    Chinese experts say foreign X-ray satellites which mostly observing relatively calm black holes , the Chinese telescope observing angry black holes and neutron stars .

  11. 环丙沙星或阿米卡星联合β-内酰胺类抗生素对多重耐药铜绿假单胞菌的体外联合抑菌效应研究

    In vitro activity of ciprofloxacin or Amikacin combined with β - lactams against Multidrug-Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa Strains

  12. 当黑洞或中子星将一颗恒星毁灭时将会产生巨大的辐射。

    As a black hole or neutron star destroys a star , tremendous amounts of radiation are released .

  13. 以HE或天狼星红染色检测心肌组织和心肌间质纤维性胶原Ⅰ、Ⅲ型改变。

    Cardiac myocytes and fibrillar collagen type ⅰ and ⅲ were examined by HE or Sirius red staining .

  14. 一轮新月镶刻在他的墓碑上,就如同其他人的墓碑镶有十字架或犹太星的标记一样。

    A crescent is carved into his grave , just as others bear the Christian cross or the Jewish star .

  15. 径向对称;星形的花瓣或似星的排列;许多城市的干线公路呈放射状模式。

    Radial symmetry ; a starlike or stellate arrangement of petals ; many cities show a radial pattern of main highways .

  16. 在历经主序星、红巨星和白矮星或中子星后演化为致密星体而结束一生。

    During the radiation stars will develop in turn into main sequence stars , red giants , white dwarfs or neutron stars , etc.

  17. 在他们两位那里,王母在潜移默化中受到了教育,主要是科技方面的知识,还有古老中国或道星上的文学。

    What teaching there had been was mostly technical , and the literature she learned was of the Middle Kingdom , or of Path itself .

  18. 但是现在出现了一种设备,无论主人身在何处,都可以和自家的汪星人或喵星人视频聊天,还可以给它们好吃的作为奖励。

    But now there is a device that lets owners video chat with their dog or cat from anywhere in the world and even reward them with a treat .

  19. 一般认为这些信号源就是夸克星或中子星,其中一些已经通过传统的方法观测到,称为脉冲星。

    Such sources are believed to be either quark stars or neutron stars , and a subclass of these are already observed by conventional means as pulsars or X-ray emitting celestial objects .

  20. 一颗超新星的崩溃可能会产生白矮星或中子星,其物资的密度非常大以至于在其自身重力的作用下持续收缩。

    The collapse of a star may produce a White Dwarf or a neutron star & a star , whose matter is so dense that it continually shrinks by the force of its own gravity .

  21. 此后不久,英航检讨了相关政策,宣布雇员可公开佩戴十字架饰品或大卫之星(StarofDavid)。

    Shortly after that , the company reviewed its policy and announced that staff could wear a cross or Star of David openly .

  22. 如果需要通过BI和报告工具获得更好的“查询能力”,那么考虑星型模式或改进的星型模式。

    Consider the star schema or refined star schema for better " queryability " with BI and reporting tools .

  23. 去甲万古霉素和(或)阿米卡星可作为治疗CRS的首选用药。

    Vancomycin and ( or ) amikacin may be first chosen to treat CRS .

  24. “大家都需要超级明星或未来之星,”IMG品牌顾问巴特·坎德尔说道。

    " Everyone either wants the superstar or the next big thing ," said Bart Kendall , a brand consultant for IMG .

  25. 这种拓扑是星状或延伸式星状的逻辑拓扑。

    This topology is a star or extended star logical topology .

  26. 所以脉冲星或部分脉冲星有可能是奇异星。

    So pulsar or parts of pulsar maybe strange star .

  27. 超新星遗迹中可能还存留有脉冲星或自旋中子星,而这些都会产生引力波。

    Supernovae remnants can leave behind pulsars or spinning neutron stars that may produce gravitational waves .

  28. 因为有着7个太阳质量的星体不可能是白矮星或中于星,所以它一定是黑洞。

    Since a 7-solar-mass is too large to be a white dwarf or neutron star , it must be a black hole .

  29. 生前暴露与高或低级别星型细胞瘤、室管膜细胞瘤、生殖细胞瘤或是其他少见的尚未明确分类的肿瘤的发病风险没有关系。

    Prenatal exposure was not associated with risk of high-or low-grade astrocytoma , ependymoma , germ cell tumor , or other rare or incompletely specified tumors .

  30. 这一研究发现对某些理论是个不小的冲击,比如X行星或涅墨西斯星之类的天体曾造成地球上的物种灭绝。

    The finding deals a blow to theories that a Planet X - or Nemesis-type object may have caused periodic mass extinctions on Earth .