
huò yǒu fù zhài
  • contingent liability
  1. 或有负债已经成为地方政府必须面对的严重问题。

    Contingent liability has how become a serious problem that local government must face .

  2. 谈地方政府或有负债问题

    On Local Government Contingent Liability

  3. 浅析我国财政或有负债图中有H圈的充分条件

    On China 's Fiscal Contingent Liability Sufficient Condition for Having Cycles in a Graph

  4. 这种金称之为惊人的或有负债总额达到了英国国内生产总值(GDP)的四分之三,而美国的这一数值是GDP的两倍。

    The contingent obligations , which Mr King called breathtaking , total three-quarters of UK gross domestic product . The US figure is twice GDP .

  5. 年终未偿还的或有负债本年内到期的长期负债

    Outstanding contingent liability at year-end current maturity of long term debt

  6. 或有负债的会计核算及信息披露分析

    An Analysis of Accounting Examination of Occasional Debts and Information Release

  7. 县乡政府或有负债的体制分析

    System Analysis of the Contingent Liability of County & Township Governments

  8. 公众将这些或有负债看作真正的而非名义上的承诺。

    The public views these as real rather than nominal commitments .

  9. 债权价值评估中因保证责任产生的或有负债的处理

    Disposal of Contingent Liabilities Caused by Responsibility of Guarantee in Debt Valuation

  10. 对我国地方政府或有负债问题的思考

    Consideration on Contingent Liabilities of Local Government in Our Country

  11. 我国县乡政府或有负债风险研究

    Study on the Contingent Liability Risk in Our Local Government

  12. 防范与化解地方政府或有负债风险的思考

    Thinking over Precautions and Elimination of Local Government 's Contingent Liability Risks

  13. 县级政府或有负债问题研究

    The Research on the Contingent Liabilities of Town Government

  14. 地方政府或有负债分析与风险防范

    The Economic Analysis of the Local Government Contingent Liability

  15. 通过案例分析,我们发现子公司的财务风险可谓林林总总,包括是资产风险、或有负债风险、表外风险。

    There are many kinds of the subsidiaries financial risk as the case showed .

  16. 这带来了潜在的或有负债,增加了银行业的风险。

    These bring new potential contingent liabilities that increase risks in the banking sector .

  17. 地方政府或有负债的实证分析

    Contingent Liability of Local Government Positive Analysis

  18. 政府或有负债是财政风险的核心内容之一。

    The government contingent liability is one of the central elements of the financial risk .

  19. 年终未偿还的或有负债定期付息偿还的贷款。

    Outstanding contingent liability at year-end a loan repaid with interest in equal periodic payments .

  20. 第三种是或有负债类的,包括各种对外担保和法律诉讼所可能发生的资产损失;

    The third is debt , including potential asset loss caused by sponsion and lawsuit .

  21. 浅谈或有负债的审计

    Discussion on the audit of uncertain debt

  22. 企业或有负债及其核算探讨

    Research on Enterprise Contingent Liability and Accounting

  23. 财政调整、机会主义与政府或有负债

    Contingent Liability and Opportunism in Fiscal Adjustment

  24. 政府或有负债与财政风险

    Government Contingent Liabilities and Financial Risk

  25. 或有负债的审计风险控制

    Audit risk controlling of probable liability

  26. 浅析我国财政或有负债

    On China 's Fiscal Contingent Liability

  27. 然而,源自欧元区危机解决机制的或有负债,可能进一步大幅推高这个数字。

    But contingent liabilities stemming from eurozone crisis resolution mechanisms could push the figure much higher .

  28. 年终未偿还的或有负债;

    Outstanding contingent liability at year-end ;

  29. 上市公司担保与担保所引起的或有负债关系研究

    The Research on the Relationship of the List Company 's Guarantee and Its Arousing of Contingent Liability

  30. 然而,如果增长没有出现严重下滑,这些或有负债都不会演变为实际债务。

    But many of those contingent liabilities will not turn into real liabilities unless growth slows sharply .