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Major Hang Seng Index constituent stock
Depending on its particular strategy , an ETF may not hold all the constituent securities of an underlying index in the same weightings as the constituent securities of the index .
The amount distributed by Standard and Poor 's 500 companies using share buybacks increased 18-fold between 1987 and 2007 .
In the last decade the pay of CEOs in the FTSE 100 has jumped two and a half times .
In the US , only 3 per cent of the S & P 500 " s constituents insist on separation .
Most FTSE 100 companies put their annual reports online in large PDF files that were slow to open or download .
The MSCI China earnings growth forecast for 2015 is 6 per cent .
More worrying is the fact that Autonomy was not a start-up but a longstanding member of the FTSE 100 index .
Investors " impatience may erupt again at Anglo American 's meeting this week and at other FTSE 100 groups later this spring .
Larry Fauver of the University of Tennessee 's Corporate Governance Center found that the average number of years served by a director at McDonald 's was 12.5 versus 9.5 for the broader index .
Its companies - mostly banks , property and carmakers - are not as sexy as cousins across the border ( such as Shenzen 's Wuhan Golden Laser , trading on 666 times historic earnings ) .
According to the Analyst 's Accounting Observer , 90 per cent of the constituents in the Standard & Poor 's 500 index produced non-GAAP figures last year , up from 72 per cent in 2009 .
The average pay of a FTSE 100 boss has risen by a third since 2010 , when chief executives took home £ 4.1m on average , according to data compiled by the High Pay Centre , a think-tank which campaigns against excessive pay .
Then there was a FTSE 100 chief executive who was charismatic at work but lay in a darkened room at home .
FTSE 100 chief executives ' pay was 47 times that of average employees in 1998 but had risen to 120 times by 2010 , say MM & K and Manifest .
last year , under pressure from Vince Cable , the business secretary , mining company Glencore became the last company to appoint a female director .
Only one company in the FTSE 100 - Hikma Pharmaceuticals - has one person , Said Darwazah , sharing the chief executive and chairman roles , says research group MSCI .
According to Spencer Stuart , the head-hunting firm , the median age of new CEOs of S & P 500 companies last year was 52 .
Officials at NYSE Euronext said they were examining potentially erroneous trading in dozens of securities , including members of the benchmark Dow Jones Industrial Average .
So far this year , three of the top 10 performing constituents of the MSCI World Metals and Mining Index have been aluminium related .
Many have poured money into share buybacks : SP 500 companies spent a record $ 133bn on buybacks in April this year , BlackRock says .
The initiative is intended to target Dax-listed businesses , but would also affect Germany-based executives of foreign companies .
Of the 154 constituents of the S & P 500 that have reported earnings for the first quarter , 122 have delivered earnings ahead of average expectations , according to Bloomberg data .
Meanwhile , investor returns have been uninspiring – the 10-year total return of the FTSE 100 is 5.5 per cent a year , with WPP at 5.4 per cent .
Just eight companies in the S & P 500 index have two of their former CEOs as directors , according to Equilar Inc. , which tracks executive compensation .
The results of the survey , which looked at total compensation of chief executives of companies in the S & P 500 index over the past two years , will add weight to calls by corporate governance activists for more oversight of executive pay .
One acquaintance says Mr Diekmann is the only dax-30 chief executive to have worked on every continent .
US chief executives were paid 204 times their employees " median compensation in 2015 , according to data compiled by Glassdoor .
One senior British cyber security official recounts having to inform a FTSE 100 business three times over the course of as many weeks about a serious breach in their systems . Eventually he gave up .
FactSet estimates that tech stocks in the S & P 500 will post earnings growth of 3.6 % for the quarter .