
  • 网络adult learning;Adult learning theory
  1. 目的:设计以成人学习理论为基础的护理模式,并评价该模式对人工关节置换术后患者的效果。

    Objective To develop nursing model in joint replacement patients based on adult learning theory .

  2. 第二部分是理论综述,主要介绍了培训模式、成人学习理论以及双环学习理论的相关内容。

    In the second part ⅰ introduce a training model produced by Raymond A.Noe , the Adult Learning theory and the Double-loop learning theory .

  3. 成人学习理论与教师继续教育

    The Learning Theory of Adult and the Teachers ' Continuous Education

  4. 桑代克成人学习理论及其启示

    Thorndike 's Learning Theory Of Adult and Its Enlightenment

  5. 加强这方面的研究,将有助于构建成人学习理论和教学理论。

    To strengthen the research program will help us to establish the adult study theory and the teaching theory .

  6. 互助研修模式的理论基本是成人学习理论和建构主义理论。

    The pattern research and studies rationale helping each other is that the adult studies theory and construction doctrine theory .

  7. 第三章为理论框架,包括基于虚拟实共同体概念建构主义理论以成人学习理论。

    Chapter Three is the theoretical framework , including the Constructivism Theory based on the concept of community of practice and the Adult Learning Theory .

  8. 以终身教育理念、终身学习理念、成人学习理论、建构主义理论、人本主义理论作为本研究的理论基础;

    With life-long education idea , study idea , adult study theory , build , construct doctrine theory , humanism theory as theoretical foundation of research this all the life ;

  9. 结论1.本研究运用成人学习理论进行化疗教育干预,可改善癌症患者化疗期间的生活质量,增长化疗患者的知识,转变其态度,改善其行为。

    Chemotherapy education intervention was carried out by adult learning theory in this study . It could improve cancer patients ' quality of life during chemotherapy , increase their knowledge about chemotherapy , change their attitude and improve their behavior .

  10. 将成人学习理论、情境学习理论和马扎诺的认知目标分类理论作为研究的学习理论,将杜威的做中学实用主义哲学作为研究的行动理论,将能力迁移理论作为研究效果的验证理论。

    The adult learning theory , context learning theory and Mazar-e Reno target classification theory as the cognitive learning theory ; the study of Dewey " learning by doing " pragmatism philosophy as a research action theory ; the migration theory as a research ability effect validation theory .

  11. 第三章:成人学习权的理论基础与价值取向。

    Chapter three : Theory foundation and value tropism of adult learning right .

  12. 第二章:法国成人学习权利保障的理论基础与社会背景。

    Chapter two : The theoretical base and social background of the system that guarantee the righting of adult learning in France .

  13. 成人移动学习资源教学设计的研究借鉴了成人一般课程设计理论、成人自导学习课程设计理论、经典的狄克-凯里(Dick&Carey)教学设计模式,并参照国际上著名的数字化学习资源设计标准和规范。

    The study on instructional design of Mobile Learning resources learns from the adult general curriculum design theory , adult self-directed learning course design theory , and the classic Dick & Carey instructional design model , and consults the international renowned digital learning resources standards and norms .