
He argues it is large equity mutual fund managers who are driving the market .
This sent ripples around the world and all major stock exchanges exhibited significant losses .
Had achieved unambiguous success , which I defined as an IPO on a major exchange .
For now , however , the big equity exchanges are loath to present such a blatant competitive challenge .
Shanghai was the best performer among in Asia 's big exchanges in 2007 . It is now very much a bear market .
A more profound question is whether the international chess game that the big stock exchanges have been playing may miss the point .
China 's slowdown is moving financial markets at home - the CSI300 index of large Chinese stocks has fallen by 4 % since August 10th - and worldwide .
The name is a little misleading : This is a fund that tracks a proprietary index of the largest stocks across sub - Saharan Africa outside of South Africa .
These " new " factors include the company ' size - the small company 's stock displays better than the big company 's ;
Sharp losses were also taken by many large long-short equity managers , which both invest in stocks and look to take advantage of price falls by selling them short .
They are watching the live broadcast of real time changes in share prices on the Shanghai Stock Exchange , courtesy of Industry Securities , a large stock broking firm .
While foreigners and domestic institutions bought shares in large companies with fairly stable businesses , working-class and middle-class families mainly bought inexpensive shares in small and medium-size companies , and kept buying these shares simply because they were rising .
What it really ensured was that clearing firms should increase their investment , as the stock loan business continues to be a major profit center for clearing firms and prime brokers , as well as hedge funds and other large firms that hold large and diversified stock portfolios .
Said an equity trader at a large brokerage in Shanghai .
Following the move , large company shares held most of their value on July 6 .
CIC bought anything and everything : large-cap US stocks , emerging-market equities , commodities , futures , real estate , infrastructure .
The government made its boldest move on July 4 , orchestrating a plan for 21 brokerages to put $ 19.4 billion in a fund to buy the shares of large companies .
That was a near 100 % about-face from a year ago , when the same group was mostly bullish on the shares of large companies and Berkshire ( BRKa ) in particular .
A group of the world 's biggest investment banks will today unveil plans to build a platform for trading shares of Europe 's biggest companies and go head to head in competition with the region 's stock exchanges .
No large technology stock other than that of reeling blackberry-maker rim ( RIMM ) has traded at that level or below since 1990 .
Berkshire had about $ 100bn of assets at the end of June , of which under half were invested in equities , mostly large blue-chip companies such as Coca-Cola , American Express and Kraft Foods .
Some critics have accused the firms of inflating the share prices of large web companies , but their bets on Skype , at least , have paid off .
As K-pop zooms up the foreign charts , share prices of leading labels , such as SM Entertainment , have soared too . But the outlook at home is less rosy .
Recent research from Jonathan garner of Morgan Stanley into macro - economic shifts in China points to a number of big multinational stocks that look set to benefit from rising wages and changing spending patterns in China .
One senior equity fund manager at a big UK institution said : This problem is as old as the hills .
The stocks of several large tech companies have had a rough time in recent years , thanks to the penny-pinching in it budgets .
They buy shares in one of the country 's big construction companies when they think the government is about to increase infrastructure spending .
As they put more money in the smaller , pure-play companies that focused on one industry vertical , big oil began to trade at a discount .