
  • 网络innovative learning;creative learning
  1. 论创新性学习机制的建立

    Establishment of the Mechanism of Creative Learning

  2. 浅谈维持性学习与创新性学习

    On Maintaining and Creative Learning

  3. 少年儿童创造心理的发展与创新性学习的激发

    Development of Children 's Creativity Psychology and Excitation of Innovational Study

  4. 创新性学习是学习学这门学问中的基本问题之一。

    The creative study is one of the fundamental problems of study .

  5. 试论创新性学习的特征和形成

    On the Innovative Study 's Characteristic and Its Forming

  6. 培养大学生的创新性学习行为;

    Train the innovative study behavior of university students ;

  7. 问题性:问题是创新性学习的起点和主线,也是创新性学习的归宿,没有强烈的问题意识,就不可能激发学生的求异思维和创造思维,更无从发现,无从探究,无从研究。

    Question : question is jumping-off , main clue and end-result of innovative learning .

  8. 形成创新性学习取向校园文化建设的合力。

    Form the resultant of forces of the campus cultural construction of innovative study .

  9. 创新性学习在大学英语教学中的实施

    Implementation of Innovation Study in College English Teaching

  10. 大学生创新性学习包涵学习价值取向、学习态度和学习行为等特殊性。

    Investigation and analysis on the students learning state in adult junior college of nursing ;

  11. 创新性学习个体创新性培养与创新型团队建设

    The Study of Innovating , the Individual Innovative Training and the Building of Innovative Group

  12. 引导学生改变学法进行创新性学习

    Leading Students ' to Creative Study

  13. 论高校的创新性学习

    On Innovation Study in Colleges

  14. 创新性学习是培养学生创新能力的有效途径引导学生改变学法进行创新性学习

    Leading Students'to Creative Study

  15. 学会学习是教育改革的主题,学会学习的核心是创新性学习。

    The topic of the educational reform is ' learn how to learn ' which focuses on innovative learning .

  16. 电教媒体在“自主创新性学习”教学模式中运用的研究

    Comparative study of the application of audio-visual education media in teaching pattern of " making innovations learning by oneself "

  17. 通过对创新性学习的认识,指出要实现创新性学习必须善于思考、掌握方法、乐于学习和进行系统学习。

    To realize the creative learning we must be good at thinking , mastering the ways , and studying happily and systematically .

  18. 以创新性学习为取向建设大学校园文化,既是社会发展的需要,也是学生自身成长的需要。

    It is a need of the social development to build culture of the campus for the orientation with innovative study , need of growing up by oneself that students too .

  19. 据此,本文为构建创新性学习为取向的校园文化提出若干建议:(1)将创新性学习取向融入校园文化;

    In view of the above , this text offer suggestions for campus culture of orientation to learn to build : ( 1 ) incorporate the culture of the campus of the innovative study orientation ;

  20. 环境因素只是校长专业发展的外推力,校长在自我定位、创新性学习、交流和反思中形成的内在发展需求才是原动力。

    The main dynamic force in the professional development is the principals ′ inner desire that can be formed by principals ′ creative learn , intercommunion , and introspection , while the environmental factors can only be auxiliary outer powers .

  21. 大学英语教学要改革传统教学模式,推进以创新性学习为核心、以创新精神和实践能力为重点的素质教育,培养适应新世纪发展要求的大批创新型人才。

    To cultivate numbers of innovative talents adaptable to the new century , College English teaching should break the traditional teaching mode to advance the quality-oriented education with innovation study as its core , the innovative spirit and practice ability as its focus .

  22. 通过对实践的总结,在教学设计方法基础上提出了引导和帮助自主创新性学习的教学策略的原则体系,以辅助制定出有效的教学策略,并总结了教学设计的过程模式。

    As to the teach tactics , the paper puts forward a principle system of it at the base of summary of the teaching practice and method of ID. At last , the paper summarizes the progress model of self-determined and innovative learning ID.

  23. 在新的形势下,要把发展校园文化的意识渗透到教书育人的全过程,把创新性学习作为校园文化建设的重要渠道,把信息化校园建设作为校园文化建设的重要平台。

    Under the new situation , we should permeate development consciousness of campus culture into the whole procedure of teaching and moral education , take creative learning as one of the important channels and regard Information lized campus as an important platform for the Construction of campus culture .

  24. 现代远程开放教育学习者创新性自主学习研究

    Research on Modern Distance Education Learners ' Innovative Self-study

  25. 基于赫斯特组织生态循环周期模型,组织学习包括由情景激发的自发性组织学习、基于经验和专业化知识的常规性组织学习以及回归价值理性的创新性组织学习等基本类型。

    Based on Hurst 's organizational ecology cycle model , organizational learning includes vision-invoking organizational learning , regular organizational learning based on experiences and professional knowledge , and innovation-oriented organizational learning back to value rationality .

  26. 论文正是基于以上考虑,提出了设计一种成本低、简单易学、便于携带的FPGA实验学习板,方便学生利用课余时间开展自主创新的探究性学习。

    In view of this , the thesis tries to design a low cost , easy to learn , and portable FPGA laboratory studying board , in order to facilitate students ' independent and creative research activities in their spare time .

  27. 根据学生学习的主动性和创新性程度,学习方式可分为机械接受学习、意义接受学习、发现学习、研究型学习并组成一个完整的序列。

    Learning approaches can be divided into rote receptive , meaningful receptive , discovery and research learning on basis of students ' autonomy and creativity .

  28. 21世纪的人才,必须具备学习、创新和创新性学习应用知识的能力,这必将引起教育内容、教育手段、教育过程、教育组织等重大变革。

    The intelligence ought to possess ability to study , apply knowledge creatively in 21st century , which will cause the great reform of education contents , ways , processes and organizations .

  29. 乐团也越来越多地参与社区事务,具有创新性和深远的学习计划。

    The orchestra is also increasingly involved in the community , with an innovative and far reaching learning programme .

  30. 教育要加强培养学生的创新能力,研究性学习是培养学生创新能力的基本形式和手段。

    Education must aim to cultivate innovation ability of the students , and researching learning is the basic pattern and means for this .