- 网络susceptible

Nonexposure of susceptible plant populations to their pathogens is fairly common .
When middling resistance varieties crossed susceptible ones or two parents were susceptible , the infected seed rate in F1 generation was intermediat between two parents .
Phosphorus content of the poplar bark was correlated positively with both the disease index and the available P in the soil layer .
The result indicated that there were obvious difference on the parents and their F1 hybrids .
But the soluble protein content of infected plants was significantly lower than that of non-infected .
A method of poplar rust disease quarantine via PCR with one pair specificity primer is introduced in the paper .
CAT activity was higher in resistant cultivar , and application of microbial organic fertilizers could increase CAT activity in leaves .
For the same variety , the SOD and POD activity was positively correlated with the field disease-infected index .
The POD isoenzyme bands were not significantly different before inoculation among the three pepper cultivars with different resistance .
The electric conductivity and MDA content were positively related with infection time , whereas the pigment content was negatively related with it .
In field test , the death rate was 75.81 % after a spore suspension at 7.3 × 10 7 spores / ml was sprayed .
The results show that the activity of PAL goes up at first and then comes down .
After inoculation , the PAL , SOD and CAT in disease-resistant varieties had significant enzyme activity greater than susceptible varieties .
Many bacterial diseases of plants depend on the interaction of type III effector genes of the pathogen and disease-susceptibility genes of the host .
The peak values of PAL and POD activities of97-10 significantly different from those of Xinzhonghua by Ducan 's testing .
POD activity ascended both in susceptible and resistant varieties postinfection , but it increased faster in resistant varieties than in susceptible varieties .
Peroxidase isozymes electrophoretic analyses on embryos plus scutella from forty wheat varieties , four ryes and two triticales revealed differences in the middle of the zymograms ( B range ) of resistant and susceptible varieties .
Resistant varieties SOD activity was not only significantly higher than the control group , but also significantly higher than susceptible varieties , which were infected by virus .
According to the symptoms and morphology of pathogeny , determined that the disease infested on the susceptible inbred line P25 was bacterial brown spot disease , and the pathogeny was Pseudomonas syringae pv . syringae Van Holl .
After inoculation , the activities of the PAL of F 1 showed two peaks , while that of F showed only one peak .
The experiment was conducted in 2003 and 2004 to observe the effects of transgenic Bt cotton and soil nutrients on red leaf blight of cotton .
After infection , peroxidase ( PO ) and invertase activity increased , but the concentration of protein reduced in both resistant and susceptible plants .
Base on the shape , size , colour of spots and the number producing spores , three types of spot is differentiated by authors , i. e. resistant type , susceptible type and middle type .
PO activity was induced and showed double-peak curve , with a higher speed in the resistant lines by both inoculation of pathogen and sterilized water .
The contents of amino acid , sugar and chlorophyll in different cucumber varieties with different resistance to downy mildew of cucumber were tested .
Metabolic enzymes activities related H2O2 in the leaves of susceptible line increased significantly during post-inoculation , and were higher than those in the resistant lines .
The changes of secondary conformations of tobacco cell membrane protein after TMV-infection was investigated by CD Spectra Technique and the changes in membrane molecular conformations was checked .
The content of soluble protein and FAA increased in sensitive variety , which was contrary in resistant variety .
In healthy citrus tissues , the activities of PAL , a key enzyme in phenylpropanoid metabolism , were higher in resistant types than in susceptible ones .
With 12 fixed identifying gene , 17 assistant identifying gene and Thatcher , the virulence of 60 strains of wheat leaf rust were identified .