- infective dose

After NDV were inoculated for 72 h , the 50 % tissue culture infective dose ( TCID 50 ) of NDV ⅰ strain and hemagglutination titer of NDV ⅳ strain were determined to evaluate the effects of the three components on cellular infectivity of the virus .
When infective dose ranged from 0 5 to 3 0 × 10 4 oocysts per chicken , level of NO 2 increased in a stepwise manner with increasing infective dose .
Methods : CMV of TCID 50 was inoculated into the brain of the newborn mice , and the morphological change in the brain tissue infected by CMV was observed with light microscope and transmission electron microscope .
At the age of 35 days chickens of 4 groups ( A , B , C and D ) were infected with the nose-drop route with standard challenge virulent strain of IBDV BC-6 / 85 at the dosage of 100 times as much as bursal infectious dose .
Escherichia coli O157 : H7 is a new intestines pathogen of causing serious foodborne illness and is viewed as a significant public health concern .. It has a very small infections dose and so it is vital to detect and eliminate this pathogen from food .
Mortality of geese in all of the infected groups was 10 % - 30 % and 60 % - 90 % respectively .
Virus sheddings in the tear film and conjunctival sac were isolated and TCID 50 ( 50 % tissue culture infective doses ) were calculated .
Small Scale measles virus cultivation in Microcarrier grown cells was studied to investigate the effect of m. o. I on virus production at assumed industrial scale .
Shigella infection spreads by the fecal-oral route . Because of the low infectious dose ( 10 to 100 organisms ), person-to-person transmission probably is the most common .
The density of vibrios was within the range of control density of disease , implying no risk of disease for the mariculture of shrimp in these habitats in this survey .
The LT_ ( 50 ) value for 4 × 10 ~ 5PIB / g of diet were 4.7168 days and 4.8085 days , No different in activity between the Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus propagated in vitro and in vivo was detected .
The dosage and route of administration of ceftizoxime in severe pulmonary infection
Results : ( 1 ) LPS 0.03 mg / kg is the dosage which can lead to sub clinical infection .
Conclusion Congenital infection of S. japonicum does not occur at present experiment , which might be attributed to animal species and the dose of infection .
Objective : To observe the effects of different doses of lipopolysaccharide ( LPS ) on the levels of blood gas and blood glucose in septic rats of different ages .
Observation on the infectious dose of plasmodium Berghei in mice
Valves are relatively avascular , so high dose antibiotic therapy is needed to eradicate the infection .
The incubation period can vary from one case to another according to the route by which the person was exposed , the dose of virus received , and other factors , including immune status .
Avian flu is preclinical differ to a few days from a few hours , way of the sex causing disease of its accident and virus , dosage that contracts virus , infection and be concerned by the breed of infection birds .
Racial differences in response rates to consensus interferon in HCV infected patients naive to previous therapy
Methods : Firstly , to determine the dose of HCMV resulting in latent infection in mice , and then establish a model for HCMV latency in mice .
The recommend dosage for clinical infection prevention 200mg / kg feed and supplementation period is around 15 days .
The dynamic changes of circulating antigens ( CAg ) in sera from rabbits infected with different intensity of Toxoplasma gondii RH and PP strains were observed by Dot-ELISA .
It is suggested from these results that the dosage of levofloxacin is half of that of ofloxacin in treatment of clinical infections .
Objective To study dose-response relationship for endemic water exposure and prevalence of schistosomiasis of mountain type , in order to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages and applicability of the 3 indexes of endemic water exposure .
The paper , through artificially duplication of toxoplasmosis Disease of mouse in a great quantity , systematically introduced the variation of infection dose of toxoplasmosis in ascites , determined that the suitable infection dose of toxoplasmosis was 650-1100 deutoplasms per mouse .
Establishment of Helicobacter pylori infection mouse model and determinating of the optimun infection dosage
AIM : To develop tissue cage infection model and study the efficacy of levofloxacin in treatment of staphylococcus aureus infection .
Conclusion The congenital transmission of S. japonicum infection in rabbits happens . The infection rate of rabbit kittens might be related to different pregnancy of mother rabbits , embryo development , infection dose of cercariae , etc.
Results : The IL-1 activity and TGF - β 1 level were significantly increased , which secreted by rat Leydig cells in the UU infection .