- 名sensate culture

Aesthetic culture which represents advanced degree of human 's culture and civilization development is social one led by human 's mental experience and aesthetic form .
Part 2 ( A ) deconstruction center is about the spiritual connotation of the post-modernity movies , including esteeming the perceptual culture , authority of deconstruction center , and digestion of grand narrative .
There are three levels of culture & perceptual culture level of popular culture of people 's life mode , rational culture level of noble culture and political culture level of the political promotion of noble culture .
He thought , television culture let audience addicted to the visual pleasure , visual pleasure is the sensory attributes of television culture , television culture is a visual and perceptual culture , which had hollowed out the cultural values .
Art is the cultural creative activity based on people 's perceptual notions .
The French nationality pursues the ancient exquisitely elegant by its unique perception and the incomparable culture zealous , causes this small town by the Sener River transformed unceasingly .
There were intense conflict between honorable origin , bypast political status and miserable exile , drastic collision between affective sortilege culture in Chu and rational historical official culture in HuaXia , which led to QuYuan 's anxiety , depression and personality tragedy .