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  • Emotional life;【电影】Amor
  1. 她不让任何人知道自己最近的感情生活。

    She was keeping everyone guessing about the latest love in her life .

  2. 我想你以前从未听过多丽丝谈自己的感情生活。

    I don 't think you 've ever heard Doris talking about her emotional life before

  3. 你所嫁的那个人不仅会对你的感情生活会有很大影响,对你的生活方式也是如此。

    Who you marry has the largest impact not just on your emotional life , but also on your lifestyle .

  4. 可能iPhone用户感情生活较为幸运,因为他们总试图与自己相似的人约会。

    Perhaps iPhone owners are luckier in love because they try to date their own kind .

  5. 但不久之后,我的导师就要我向Alex的感情生活施压。

    But before long , my supervisor pushed me to push Alex about her love life .

  6. 从那时起我意识到这种善意的忽视确实是个问题,它不仅给Alex本身和她的感情生活带来不良后果,而且影响到处20多岁的人的事业、家庭和未来。

    That was when I realized that this sort of benign neglect was a real problem , and it had real consequences , not just for Alex and her love life but for the careers and the families and the futures of twentysomethings everywhere .

  7. 这一问题自然让人联想到电影《BJ单身日记》中的女主角布里吉特·琼斯这个典型范例,这位大龄剩女也是通过吃喝来逃避感情生活中的烦恼。根据《周日电讯报》相关报道,兽医相信宠物会通过吃食来排忧解闷。

    The problem has been likened to that of Bridget Jones , the singleton who hides away from her troubled love life by eating , with vets believing some pets use food to cope with sadness , according to The Sunday Telegraph .

  8. 你是想让时代杂志控制你的感情生活吧

    Are you going to let your emotional life be run by

  9. 中国人的感情生活崇尚多味,避忌单一。

    Chinese advocate rich and varied affective life avoiding the monotonous .

  10. 你的感情生活将会复活。

    Your love life could be on the brink of renewal .

  11. 另一个主线是郑微的感情生活。

    Another main line is the love affair of Zhen Wei .

  12. 她承认加里波第的感情生活并不和谐。

    She allows that his love life had its jarring moments .

  13. 等到实在需要建议时再谈论自己的感情生活吧。

    Only talk love life if you really need advice .

  14. 反正我的感情生活是这样的。

    At least , that 's the way it was for me .

  15. 在过去的两个月中,她的感情生活频上头条。

    Her romantic relationships have made headlines over the last two months .

  16. 你认识的人中有谁的感情生活一夜之间有了极大的改变?

    Have you ever known anyone who 's relationship changed magically overnight ?

  17. 你们感情生活出了问题

    And you 're having problems with your love life .

  18. 公主的感情生活也是如此。

    So , too , was her love life .

  19. 如果说玛格丽特的婚姻一直不顺的话,她的感情生活也挫折不断。

    If Margaret 's marriage was troubled , her affairs were no refuge .

  20. 郭沫若的感情生活与泛神论思想杭院&我的人生情感加油站

    Hangzhou Institute of Financial Studies & The Refueling Station in My Emotional Life

  21. 他好象从来不愿意谈他的感情生活。

    He never seemed willing to speak about it .

  22. 我的感情生活太不顺利了。

    I 'm so miserable in my love life , in my relationship .

  23. 网友还可以对自己的感情生活投保。

    Internet users are also able to bet on their own love lives .

  24. 20多岁是体验不同工作和感情生活的最好时机。

    The 20s are your best chance to experiment with jobs and relationships .

  25. 而《仁爱》则重点描述了一群忙碌的护士如何平衡职业和感情生活。

    Mercy will follow busy nurses trying to juggle their professional and romantic lives .

  26. 很好,摩妮卡以后由你主宰我的感情生活

    Fine . Monica , you are now in charge of my love life .

  27. 就为了整理你的感情生活。

    Just to tidy up your love life .

  28. 看浪漫爱情喜剧不利于感情生活。

    Romantic comedies can harm your love life .

  29. 李很八卦,总是打听别人的感情生活。

    Lee is really nosy . He 's always asking about everybody 's love life .

  30. 朋友之间会谈论感情生活,说吧,朋友。

    Friends talk about their relationships .