
  • 网络emotional responses;emotional reaction;affective responses
  1. 学习的成败结果是影响体育系学生归因和情感反应的重要因素;

    Success or failure are important factors of attribution and emotional responses ;

  2. 年级对青少年的情感反应、知觉到的伤害程度和宽恕程度没有显著效应,但在某些情境下存在显著的年级差异。

    No significant grade effect on the degree of emotional responses , perceived harm and forgiveness were found , but in some contexts we found grade differences .

  3. 我们对往事的回忆会受到我们对其情感反应的影响&情感标签(emotionaltagging)。

    Our recollection of past events can be coloured by our emotional response to them ( emotional tagging ) .

  4. 本研究采用AB两种问卷测查在职员工和大学生对骨髓捐献的态度以及对白血病患者的情感反应,AB卷的差异主要在于:B卷中增加了骨髓移植和骨髓捐献的一些基本知识。

    The research was designed to examine people 's attitude towards marrow donation and empathic response to leukemia patients by two kinds of format questionnaires .

  5. 主观幸福感(subjectivewell-being,简称SWB)是个体依据自定的标准对其整体生活质量作出的判断,它既包括情感反应,也包括认知评价。

    Subjective well-being is a global assessment of a person 's quality of life according to his own chosen criteria . It includes both affective reactions and cognitive satisfaction judgments .

  6. 结果:酒依赖者在沟通、角色、情感反应、情感介入、行为控制和总的功能六个FAD分量表上的评分较对照组高。

    Result : patients had higher scores in the subtests of communication , role , affective response , emotional involvement and behavior control than control .

  7. 目的:利用fMRI技术,对音乐欣赏相关脑功能区进行定位,并初步探讨音乐情感反应和音乐治疗的可能神经机制。

    Objective : To localize the functional areas related to music processing with fMRI , and to discuss the possible neural mechanism underlying emotion experience and music therapy .

  8. 结论脑室内注射2R,4R-APDC可以减轻致痫大鼠的恐惧、焦虑等情感反应,明显改善癫痫大鼠的学习和记忆能力。

    2R , 4R-APDC icv could improve the epileptic rats ' ability of learning and memory .

  9. 第二步使用改进的离散二进制量子粒子群算法结合基于核的Fisher分类器的方法选择出最能代表肌电信号情感反应的特征子集。

    The second step it is used that improved discrete binary quantum particle swarm optimization ( PSO ) combined with Fisher classifier which constructed base on kernels to choose the most representative electromyography signal feature subset .

  10. 家庭功能方面,酒依赖组在沟通、角色、情感反应、情感介入、行为控制等方面评分和FAD总分均明显高于正常对照组(P<001)。

    The scores of the communication , role , affective response , emotional involvement and behavior control in patients with alcohol dependence were higher than that of controls ( P < 0 01 ) .

  11. HIV/AIDS咨询中情感反应研究

    An Investigate of Emotional Response on HIV / AIDS Counselling

  12. 关注情感反应的滨水空间设计研究

    The Research on Emotional Reaction of the Urban Waterfront Design

  13. 你的情感反应取决于你伴侣的回应。

    Your emotional reaction will be dependent upon your partner 's responsiveness .

  14. 运动中的效能期望、归因和情感反应的相关研究

    A relative study of efficacy expectation attribution and affective response in sports

  15. 初中生对教师差别行为的认知及情感反应的研究

    Student Perceptions of Differential Teacher Behavior and Reaction to Teacher

  16. 中国和美国健康成人情感反应差异的跨文化研究

    Cross - cultural Study of Affective Reactions of Chinese and American Healthy Adults

  17. 成功后的情感反应更强烈。

    The emotional response after their success is stronger .

  18. 论阅读主体的情感反应运动

    Exercise . On the Emotional Reactive Movement of the Main Body of Reading

  19. 由于缺乏情感反应而显现出来的冷漠。

    Apathy demonstrated by an absence of emotional reactions .

  20. 男生的家庭功能在沟通、情感反应和情感介入上次于女生。

    Schoolboys are inferiorer than schoolgirls in communication , emotional reaction and emotional intervention .

  21. 研究结果可以为促进远程教育学习者的情感反应和改变学习动机提供可供参考的实证依据。

    Results are helpful for the promotion of distance learners ' motivation and emotion .

  22. 性别对青少年的情感反应、知觉到的伤害程度和宽恕程度没有显著效应,但在某些情境下存在显著的性别差异,如在名誉伤害情境下,女生的生气程度显著高于男生;

    Gender had no significant effect , but gender differences were found in some contexts .

  23. 不具有引起强烈的兴趣,好奇或情感反应的特征。

    Not of such character as to arouse intense interest , curiosity , or emotional reaction .

  24. 他们的情感反应更丰富。

    They 're more emotionally reactive .

  25. 这个描述可以是一句话,或者一篇科学论文,或者是一种强烈的情感反应;

    This description might be a word or a scientific treatise or a strong emotional response ;

  26. 作出激烈的情感反应。

    Show a violent emotional reaction .

  27. 知觉网络质量与服务内容,将影响情感反应变量在模型中。

    The perceived Web quality with service contents would influence affective reaction variables in the model .

  28. 不同认知偏好对大学生情感反应的影响:短期利益和长期代价

    Effects on Undergraduates ' Affect Responses of Different Cognitive Biases : Short-term Benefits and Long-term Costs

  29. 反应性精神病患者主动叙述自己的不幸遭遇,且情感反应鲜明强烈。

    Reactivity madman recounts his unfortunate experience actively , and affection reaction is bright and strong .

  30. 随着相处时间的增加,夫妻和室友之间逐渐会产生相类似的情感反应。

    It seems that couples and roommates tend to have similar emotional reactions as time goes by .