
xī nù
  • calm one's anger;cease to be angry
息怒 [xī nù]
  • [calm one's anger;cease to be angry] 止怒

息怒[xī nù]
  1. 人们供奉祭品以求神灵息怒。

    Sacrifices were made to propitiate the gods .

  2. 她已息怒。

    She ceased from anger .

  3. 恼火的女神无法息怒,她将泉水溅到猎手的脸上。

    The angry goddess was not to be calmed . She splashed1 water in the hunter 's face .

  4. 他把脸涂得黑黑的以乞求命运女神息怒。

    His face was blackened to propitiate the goddess of chance .

  5. 使某人少受苦、息怒、稍安等。

    Mitigate sb 's suffering , anger , anxiety , etc.

  6. 他不息怒,我不会去见他。

    I won 't see him until his temper has cooled down .

  7. 音乐具有平愤息怒的魅力。

    Music has charms to soothe a savage beast .

  8. 对不起,请您息怒。

    Cool it man , I 'm sorry .

  9. 温和的回答可以息怒。

    A soft answer turneth away wrath .

  10. 我们今晚出去之前得劝说那位老人息怒。

    We shall have to stroke the old man down before we go out tonight .

  11. 越易息怒的人,越伟大。

    The greater a man is , the more easily can his wrath is appeased .

  12. 如果梅宝儿再发怒的话,他们就没办法使她息怒了。

    If Mabel should get another miff , they 'd never be able to appease her .

  13. 甚至苏西威廉斯看来也息怒了。

    Even SUSY Williams looked mollified .

  14. 你应该使他息怒。

    You should soothe his anger .

  15. 电视镜头拍摄到东京台园地域一幢大楼息怒冒烟的画面。

    TV footage showed a large building on fire and bellowing smoke in the Odaiba district of Tokyo .

  16. 如果你点了一杯茶,端上来以后却发现只有半杯的量,请息怒。

    If you happen to order a cup of tea , don 't look as it as half empty .

  17. 每次,父亲就会泡好茶给他喝,招待他吃饼干,希望能让他息怒。

    My father would make him good tea and offer him biscuits in the hope that would keep him satisfied .

  18. 不要在探讨价格历程中息怒,这只是贸易而己,他们并不是在耻辱你的作品。

    Never get angry during the price negotiation process , it 's just business and nothing to do with insulting your work .

  19. 那姑娘以一种天仙似的羞恼动作,连忙把裙袍拂下去,但是他并没有因此而息怒。

    The young girl had hastily thrust down her dress , with a divinely troubled motion , but he was none the less angry for all that .