
  1. 其实我们的通胀率急剧下降;但息口仍维持在高水平。

    Inflation has declined rapidly while interest rate remains high .

  2. 息口敏感的地产股亦表现疲弱。

    Interest rate sensitive property counters were also weak .

  3. 一旦息口呈现见顶迹象,将会极有利于美股。

    Any sign that interest rates have peaked will likely be very positive for US equities .

  4. 息口忧虑重燃压抑投资信心,上周华尔街低收。

    Wall Street ended a holiday-shortened week lower as interest rate concerns returned to upset investor confidence .

  5. 但美国国内的焦点却集中于第二季公司业绩报告和息口前景。

    Domestically , however , the focus was on second-quarter corporate earnings reports and the outlook for interest rates .

  6. 息口甚可能在该水平见顶,但主要仍系于经济数据,包括本周发表的第二季本地生产总值数据,投资者与联储局都会密切留意任何增长偏软的迹象。

    This could well be the peak , but much depends on economic data , including this week 's key second-quarter GDP data which investors and the Fed will be watching closely for any signs of weakness .