
  • 网络rivalry
  1. 多少是是非非,多少恩恩怨怨,尽然刹那间灰飞烟灭。

    The number of right and wrong , how much rivalry , quite the instant ashes .

  2. 然而NBA依然是个高中,各种各样的拉帮结伙,恩恩怨怨和亦敌亦友,这一切在Instagram等社交媒体上一览无余。

    But the league is still unmistakably high school , with its cliques , feuds and frenemies , all of it amplified on Instagram .

  3. 但是明星之间的恩恩怨怨怎么可能会因此沉寂呢。真人秀明星卡戴珊又激起新的导火索,任其大火熊熊,简直是《待到梦醒时分》(WaitingtoExhale)中安吉拉·贝塞特(AngelaBassett)本人。

    But , of course , sleeping celebrity feuds don 't lie , so the reality TV star essentially just set a match and watched it all burn behind her à la Angela Bassett in " Waiting To Exhale . "

  4. 是感情的恩恩怨怨的纠葛绊住了脚。

    It is imbroglio of feeling 's kind And enmity holding up his feet .

  5. 在里奥克拉罗的那天晚上,我并不知道杰克与科茨、温特以及拜罗姆兄弟之间的恩恩怨怨。

    That night in Rio Claro I didn 't know anything about Coats and Winter and the Byrom Brothers .

  6. 本文共分五个部分,从政治、经济、军事、人口等多个角度对约巴关系的悲欢离合、恩恩怨怨进行诠释,重点探析约巴关系发展演变的历史内涵。

    This article is divided into five parts totally , explaining the special relationship between Palestine and Jordan from the aspect of economy , military and population etc.

  7. 他告诉戈尔德,有些事情会让老年人放下过去的恩恩怨怨,更加关注于目前的需要,

    told Gold there 's something that let 's older people put aside the bad deeds of the past and focus a little on what we need now ,