
ēn zhǔn
  • approved by His Majesty
恩准 [ēn zhǔn]
  • [approved by His Majesty] 降恩准予(请求);敬称得到批准

  • 蒙老爷恩准,小的不胜万千之喜

恩准[ēn zhǔn]
  1. 敬祈恩准。

    Looking forward to your approval .

  2. 神恩准他们罪得赦免,赐予他们圣灵。

    God grants them the forgiveness of sins and the Holy Spirit .

  3. 我们下院议员们并不是由于上院议员们的恩准才坐在这儿的。

    We MPs do not sit here by courtesy of the lords .

  4. 这座城市被恩准得到伟大的祝福。

    This city has been granted a great blessing .

  5. 若陛下恩准,我们可不想他掺一脚。

    If it please Your Grace , we want no part of him .

  6. 上帝恩准至少在我有生之年不要让那块帘升起!

    God grant that in my day , at least , that curtain may not rise !

  7. 夫人,我请您恩准.让我做您的代理骑士.这份荣幸应该归我所有.

    My Lady , I beg the honor . Let me be your champion . The honor should be mine .

  8. 我祈求你恩准让我坚强并不屈不挠的面对每天出现的艰难困苦。

    I beg you for the grace to be strong and to persevere every day against the obstacles I have to face .

  9. 而我呢,她恩准我不必同他们坐在一起了,说是她很遗憾,不得不让我独个儿在一旁呆着。

    Me , she had dispensed from joining the group ; saying , ' She regretted to be under the necessity of keeping me at a distance .

  10. 国王不是一个绝情的人,因此他恩准了老大的请求,跟著说,“你明天必须回来服刑。”于是,老大匆忙赶返家中。

    The king was not a terribly cruel man , and so he granted the wish , adding ," but you must come back tomorrow . " The eldest son hurried home .

  11. 她要不是恰巧看见彬格莱先生又惊又喜地也对达西先生望了一眼,她还以为他这次之所以能够称心如意,是事先蒙到达西先生恩准的呢。

    He bore it with noble indifference , and she would have imagined that Bingley had received his sanction to be happy , had she not seen his eyes likewise turned towards Mr. Darcy , with an expression of halflaughing alarm .