
qīng kuáng
  • Frivolity;extremely frivolous
轻狂 [qīng kuáng]
  • [extremely frivolous] 非常轻浮,轻薄;极不庄重

轻狂[qīng kuáng]
  1. 在《年少轻狂》(DazedandConfused)里,她饰演美国中心区域的青少年,在《甜心先生》(JerryMaguire)里,她又迷人又可亲。

    In " Dazed and Confused , " as a heartland teenager , and in " Jerry Maguire , " she was winning and approachable .

  2. 他注册了一家名为'FashionNGlamourStudios'的摄影公司。还准备写本书,名叫《年少轻狂:我如何赚到和花掉250万美元》,计划在今年年底发售。

    He oversees a photography company called ' Fashion N Glamour Studios ' and a book called ' Young and Stupid : How I Made And Lost $ 2.5million ' is also in the pipeline , with a release date scheduled for the end of this year .

  3. 大雨降下,一切轻狂洒脱;

    The heavy rain lowers , all frivolous free and easy ;

  4. 还是不幸的青年受了轻狂的妇人的玩弄呢?

    Or were they unlucky young men fooled by frivolous women ?

  5. 我有些轻狂,有些与众不同。

    I 'm a bit crazy , and a bit different .

  6. 把那当成年少轻狂。

    I 'll write that off as a youthful indiscretion .

  7. 小默多克沉溺于这种年少轻狂是不明智的。

    Mr Murdoch was unwise to indulge in adolescent hyperbole .

  8. 在纽约年少轻狂坠入爱河

    To be young and in love in New York City

  9. 其实啦,我年少轻狂的时候

    Actually , when l was young and crazy ,

  10. 年少轻狂时,我们事事都乐于尝试。

    We want to try a little of everything when we 're young .

  11. 你我都没有年少轻狂的机会。

    We never had the chance to be young .

  12. 我骄傲,我轻狂,因为我年轻。

    I am proud , I am frivolous , because I was young .

  13. 我不喜欢轻狂与虚荣。

    I don 't like fuss and feather .

  14. 年幼轻狂的我,为爱付出了代价,泪水划过了我的脸庞。

    But I was young and foolish , and now im full of tears .

  15. 令我沮丧的是,有很多次,我作为一个少年人的年少轻狂纷沓而出。

    To my dismay , there were times where my teenage hormones spoke differently .

  16. 当时我年少轻狂,总是行事冲动。

    I was in my salad days then , and I always acted on impulse .

  17. 很多年之后,所有的年少轻狂都会变成淡薄而平庸。

    Many years later , all the young and frivolous will become weak and mediocre .

  18. 至少要有几个哥们,找到年少轻狂时共同成长的友谊。

    At least a few kids that grow up to young friends , the friendship .

  19. 噢,回想起我们年少时的轻狂,只有你和我的世界里。

    Oh , thinking about all our younger years , there was only you and me .

  20. 她是个糊涂的轻狂女人。

    She was a careless jade .

  21. 三行台词,三天的工作,在电影《年少轻狂》里。

    Three lines , three days ' work , in a film called Dazed and Confused .

  22. 得到机遇的眷顾是因为我积极主动,而且不让年少轻狂的梦想之火熄灭。

    Opportunity came my way because I was motivated and did not let a wild teenage dream die .

  23. “她的目光是如此羞涩,我抓到,是如此轻狂”

    " Her eyes look down ever so shyly , I caught it though it was so flighty "

  24. 在我年少轻狂时,的确想过逃跑去学做豆腐。

    When I was young and crazy I thought about running away and learning how to make tofu .

  25. 我们都认为靠自己就能做好工作,但那只是年少轻狂的妄想。

    We all think we can do it on our own , but that 's just youthful bravado talking .

  26. 父亲:事实上,我年少轻狂的时候,曾经想过离家出走,学习怎么做豆腐。

    Dad : Actually , when I was young and crazy , I thought about running away and learning how to make tofu .

  27. 不再年少,不敢轻狂,即使依然愤青也绝不敢冲破世俗的羁绊;

    No longer young , does not dare frivolous , even if still indignant blue does not dare to break through the common custom the fetters ;

  28. 说得轻狂些,从事这一行纯属痴迷,沈笑着说,公司用产自英国的布料制作浅充式多折领带。

    From a frivolous interest , it became a bit of an obsession , laughs Shen , who makes lightly padded multiple-fold ties using British fabrics .

  29. 要让摩羯座人与天秤座人和谐共处看似不太可能,因为一本正经的摩羯不能很好地理解天秤的冒险与轻狂。

    Compatibility for Capricorn and Libra is questionable due to the ' prim and proper ' Capricorn not being able to quite understand the ' adventurous and frivolous ' Libran .

  30. 世上除了爱再无他物可温暖我内心的冷峻,治愈我脑子的轻狂,甚而教养我莽撞的荒谬。

    There shall never be anything in the world other than love that can warm the coldness of heart , cure the mania of brain , and modulate the absurdity of my impetuosity .