
  • 网络ACER;Aspire;Acer Inc
  1. 但基于阿里云OS的宏碁手机并未上市。

    Acer 's phone was never released .

  2. 台湾宏碁(Acer)昨日同意以7.1亿美元收购美国的Gateway。

    Acer of Taiwan agreed to acquire Gateway of the US for $ 710m yesterday .

  3. 与宏碁Aspire不同,在华硕电脑上不能以3D模式观看2D照片和视频。

    Unlike the Acer Aspire , 2D photos and videos can 't be viewed in 3D on the Asus .

  4. 很多分析师对于结果持乐观态度,因为在利用收购小型PC企业获得市场份额方面,宏碁一直做得非常成功。

    Many analysts are optimistic about the results because Acer has been so successful in using acquisitions of small PC companies to win market share .

  5. 只有以3D拍摄的电影才能在华硕上以3D模式播放,宏碁Aspire也是如此。

    As is also true on the Acer Aspire , movies only play on the Asus if they were created in 3D .

  6. 宏碁和HTC没有回应时报的置评请求。

    Acer and HTC did not respond to requests for comment .

  7. 宏碁(Acer)S7是一款卓越的13.3英寸触摸屏Windows8超极本,这款产品在MicroCenter售价1200美元(约合人民币7400元)。

    One excellent touchscreen Windows 8 Ultrabook , Acer 's S7 , was $ 1200 at Micro Center for a 13.3 inch model .

  8. 宏碁技术的另外一个问题是,电脑屏幕必须倾斜成合适的角度(约为120度)才能很好地观看3D视频。

    Another problem with the Acer 's technology is that the laptop screen must be tilted at just the right angle -- about 120 degrees -- to see 3D properly .

  9. 由三星和宏碁(Acer)制造的两款首发版Chrome笔记本将于6月15日上市。

    The initial two chromebooks , manufactured by Samsung and Acer , will launch on June 15 .

  10. 一旦宏碁完成拟议中的以7.1亿美元收购Gateway的交易,很快就会重新夺得这一地位。Gateway是美国一家陷于困境的个人电脑销售商。

    And Acer will soon regain that status when it completes its planned $ 710m acquisition of Gateway , a struggling US PC vendor .

  11. 宏碁使用一款第三方软件程序“TriDef3D”把2D内容转化为3D,人们必须用这款软件才能以3D方式观看照片和视频。

    Acer converts 2D content to 3D by using a third-party software program called TriDef 3D , which people must use to see their photos and videos in 3D .

  12. 施崇棠征求了宏碁创始人施振荣(StanleyShih,两人并无亲戚关系)的许可。

    He asked Acer 's founder , Stanley Shih - no relation - for permission .

  13. 宏碁(Acer)前首席执行官蒋凡可•兰奇讲述自己为何被迫离开这家计算机硬件制造商。

    Former Acer CEO Gianfranco Lanci on why he was ousted from the computer hardware maker .

  14. 这笔交易将使宏碁将取代中国的联想集团(LenovoGroup)成为全球第三大电脑公司,仅次于惠普(Hewlett-Packard)及戴尔(Dell)。

    That deal will let Acer displace Lenovo Group of China as the world 's third-largest computer company , behind Hewlett-Packard and Dell .

  15. 宏碁仍未在大陆挤进PC销售前五名之列,但该公司并不气馁,称:不在中国取得成功,也就谈不上在全球取得成功。

    Acer still fails to make the top five in Chinese PC sales . Yet it is undeterred , saying that global success is not possible without success in China .

  16. 宏碁、戴尔(Dell)和联想(Lenovo)等PC厂商之间的竞争,使消费者享受到更低的价格,也帮助扩大了微软软件的使用。

    Competition between groups such as Acer , Dell and Lenovo drove down prices for consumers and helped spread the use of Microsoft software .

  17. 宏碁的新笔记本电脑产品将同时运行XP和Android操作系统,允许用户进行切换。

    Acer 's new notebook offering will run both the XP and Android operating systems and allows users to switch between the two .

  18. 宏碁的设计首先考虑的是作为笔记本电脑使用,然后才是3D游戏机,定价也是针对主流消费者的——只比没有3D功能的电脑贵70美元。

    The Acer is designed as a laptop first and a 3D game player second , and it 's priced for mainstream consumers -- only about $ 70 more than the model without 3D .

  19. 宏碁股份有限公司(AcerInc.)展示了一个迷你的Windows8平板电脑,这个八英寸的平板电脑拥有台式电脑的功能。

    Acer Inc. showcased a mini Windows 8 tablet that compressed the functions of a desktop into an 8-inch tablet .

  20. 联想的台湾竞争对手宏碁(Acer)出资7.1亿美元,收购美国个人电脑制造商Gateway,最终获得了PackardBell的控制权。

    Taiwanese rival Acer won control of Packard Bell as part of its planned $ 710m purchase of US PC producer Gateway .

  21. 这笔交易使得宏碁超越了联想,成为全球第三大个人电脑销售商,仅次于惠普(Hewlett-Packard)和戴尔(Dell)。

    The transaction has put it ahead of Lenovo as the world 's third-largest PC vendor behind Hewlett-Packard and Dell .

  22. 谷歌说,由于宏碁是谷歌主导的“开放手机联盟”(OpenHandsetAlliance)的一员,因此它不能销售搭载与安卓不相兼容的操作系统的智能手机。

    As Acer is part of the Google-led Open Handset Alliance , the U.S. firm said that the Taiwanese computer maker couldn 't work with a ' noncompatible ' version of Android .

  23. 同样,在快速发展的平板电脑市场,包括宏碁(Acer)、联想(Lenovo)和华硕(Asus)在内的个人电脑制造商都生产基于Android系统的平板电脑。

    Likewise , in the fast-growing tablet market , personal computer makers including Acer , Lenovo and Asus produce Android-based tablet PCs.

  24. 当时宏碁(Acer)宣布将推出基于阿里云OS的手机,谷歌随即表示强烈抗议,理由是宏碁已经同意不采用非兼容的安卓版本。

    When Acer announced a phone based on the operating system , after Acer had agreed not to ship non-compatible Android versions , Google cried foul .

  25. 其它跨国个人电脑企业,如惠普(HP)、戴尔(Dell)和宏碁(Acer),均认同中国市场的威力。它们正将更多资源投入中国。

    Other global PC companies such as Hewlett-Packard , Dell and Acer are pouring additional resources into China in recognition of the country 's market might .

  26. 作为一个以消费者为中心的企业,华硕繁荣发展,和其台湾竞争对手宏碁(Acer)一起跻身于世界五大个人电脑制造商之列。

    Asus flourished as a consumer-focused business , and alongside Taiwan rival Acer became one of the world 's top-five PC producers .

  27. 对于偶尔玩电脑游戏的用户以及想要一台可靠的笔记本电脑并(或)希望能以3D模式观看照片或视频的人,宏碁Aspire更具吸引力。

    And the Acer Aspire will appeal to casual gamers and people who want a trusty laptop and / or the ability to view some photos and videos in 3D .

  28. 去年,阿里巴巴曾计划与台湾电脑厂商宏碁(Acer)联手推出一款智能手机,但后来取消了这个计划。

    The planned joint launch last year of a smartphone by Alibaba and Acer , the Taiwanese PC vendor , was called off .

  29. 咨询公司Gartner驻台北分析师TracyTsai认为,问题关键在于宏碁的全球品牌战略。

    The key , believes Tracy Tsai , an analyst with Gartner in Taipei , is Acer 's global brand strategy .

  30. 今年晚些时候,宏碁也计划推出使用Nvidia技术的笔记本电脑。

    Later this year , Acer also plans to make a laptop with Nvidia 's technology .