
  1. 小于500总登记吨的船舶;

    Vessels of less than 500 gross register tons ;

  2. 问:这次研究的一个关键是由印度总登记官建立的样本登记制度。

    Q : One of the keys to this tobacco study was the sample registration system established by the Registrar-General of India .

  3. 不动产初始登记是在总登记之外,首次对不动产物权进行的经常性登记。

    Real estate initiative register is a kind of frequent registration of real estate property for the first time after the total registration .

  4. 其中本登记包括总登记、变动登记、更正登记、回复登记、涂销登记、灭失登记等。

    The real registration includes general registration , registration of change , correction of registration , reply of registration , deletion of registration , loss of registration and the like .

  5. 作为不动产登记重要标的物的土地与房产,其权利状况存在差别,总登记、初始登记、变更登记的程序肯定是有差异的,不可能强制统一;

    The author believes that because the right of land and the right of buildings annexed to them vary , the procedures of general registration , preliminary registration and amendment registration differ as well and cannot be compulsively unified .

  6. 选民总名册登记申请书

    Application for Registration in the General Electoral Roll

  7. 选民总名册登记申请书正式的表册;登记表;(尤指)名单,花名册

    Application for Registration in the General Electoral Roll Official list or register , esp of names

  8. 要入住的话,你应当首先去总台登记。

    To check in , you should at first go to the reception desk to register .

  9. 通过ECM模型可以发现建筑工程造价的短期波动对自身、地区生产总值、商品零售价格总指数、城镇登记失业率较为敏感,其中仅商品零售价格总指数是负相关。

    Through the analysis of ECM model , it finds that short-term fluctuation of construction cost is sensitive to itself , the gross regional product , registered unemployment rate in cities and towns and general retail price index of commodities which is also the only having a negative correlation .

  10. 由转诊发现涂阳病人登记率与总涂阳病人登记率呈正相关关系。

    Referral rate and registration rate of S + PTB patients are positively correlated .

  11. 有很多赊购客户的企业应设置一个应收帐款总分类账户,登记所有赊购客户欠的货款,并为每个赊购客户设置一个明细账户。

    A business with many credit customers would set up the general ledger accounts receivable account for all credit customers and a separate account for each credit customer .