- sum;total;totality;tale;sum total;summation

[sum;total;sum total] 全部加起来的数量或内容
The sum of all the angles of a triangle is 180 degrees .
' Public opinion ' is only the sum of the views of thousands of people like yourself
He figured up the balance in their checking account .
She hung around with a pair of nurses who were openly gay .
He always talked things over with his friends
He 's constantly on the phone to his girlfriend . We have to go halves on the phone bill which drives me mad .
The total of the figures should balance with that one in the third column .
Education is the sum of what students teach each other in between lectures and seminars .
If the monkeys touched the left side of the screen they would be rewarded with seven drops of water or juice ; if they went for the circle , they would be rewarded with the sum of the numbers — 17 in this example .
But the combined total of land compensation fees and resettlement fees shall not exceed 30 times the average output value of the three years prior to the requisition .
My grandfather was a very wise man , and he always used to tell me : ‘ If you can 't say anything nice , don 't say anything at all ' .
This paper studies the optimization design of insulation coordination in GIS .
The EJB simply adds two numbers and returns the sum of those numbers .
If this report is executed using Dynamic Query Mode , the percentage values for the measure cells change to become the percentage of total for all the Countries .
In modern times Japan translated the English terms of economy by borrowing this old term from Chinese , which means the summation of national production , distribution , exchange and consumption .
Prediction of left ventricular function by sum-ST-segment resolution in patients with anterior wall acute myocardial infarction after thrombolytic therapy
It then adds the given height to the given y value and sets the global / y variable to the sum , keeping a running y counter down the page as text_line is called .
Once the code finishes iterating through the tuple , the else clause is invoked , and the running total is printed .
Also , panel-funnel separating techniques of end-of-life color CRT glass are assessed and sequenced as a case study .
The GDP wealth is the total capital including man-made capital ( or product capital ), the natural capital ( environment and resources capita !) and the human capital ;
Total external debt is the sum of public , publicly guaranteed , and private no guaranteed long-term debt , use of IMF credit , and short-term debt .
The gross national product ( GNP ) measures the total output of goods and services in a given year .
The estimation precision of 5 years ′ total increment is greater than 80 % for 95 % confidence .
The paper presents the technical economy assessment of CAPP system . Minimal sum of machining cost and quality loss cost is regarded as economical evaluation criterion of CAPP system ;
If the working set of both LPARs remains less than or equal to the pool size , then the there is no over-commit .
In P2P network architecture , the advantages are the P2P network node capability and resources can be shared , in theory , network capacity and resources is the sum of P2P nodes .
The units are the same as the time base register and the sum of the PURR values for both threads is equal to time base register .
" On a typical day in November 2012 , the revenues in the Apple App Store exceeded $ 15m USD , while in Google play the revenues are just below $ 3.5m USD in 20 of the largest countries in both app stores . "
The huge current trading volumes on the Chinese exchanges are so large that broking and stamp duty charges actually exceed the total profits of listed companies , according to HSBC .
Being used to ameliorate the result of multi-element summation method , the settlement coefficient ms by the method is more roundly in reflection the influence of different factors and has higher precision than the traditional empirical method .