
  • 网络Total travel;total stroke
  1. 模拟结果表明,实施交通信号控制与路径诱导协同后,路网总行程时间最多可减少41.4%。

    The simulation results are encouraging and the synergy of the traffic signal control and the route guidance leads to saving in the total travel time up to 41.4 % .

  2. 研究表明,车辆导航系统中车辆行驶总行程时间中交叉口延误占有相当的比重,特别是当交叉口拥挤或阻塞时,交叉口延误将会大于路段行驶时间。

    As we know , in a real road network , a big proportion of the total travel time is attributed to the intersection delay . Especially when the crossroad is congested , the intersection delay might even exceed the travel time on road section .

  3. 一个中间球笼允许对大约一半的铁路长度的延伸,既创造了总行程的方向。

    An intermediate ball-cage allows for extension of approximately half the rail length in both directions creating a total stroke .

  4. 根据带时间窗车辆路径问题的实际情况,通过考察车辆数和总行程两个目标函数,给出了该问题的一种新的算法&蜂群算法。

    This paper proposed a new algorithm , wasp colony algorithm , for VRPTW through comparing the two target function vehicle number and total distance .

  5. 从改进城市交通控制方式的角度出发,本研究力图通过线控制的方式降低车辆在主干道上的总行程延误。

    On the point of view of improving the urban traffic control mode , the research managed to decrease the travel delay of vehicle by line control .

  6. 每次充电都需要留宿,所以总行程超过了两周的时间,但是宗毅认为沿途所带来的广告宣传效益或许还能卖150辆汽车。

    Every charge required an overnight stay , so the journey took more than two weeks - but Zong says the publicity along the way probably sold another 150 cars .

  7. 该火车总行程长达111英里,从秩父山到东京的摩天大楼,沿途会经过不同的风景。想到火车能一直与沿途风景共存,会是多么美妙的一件事!

    The idea of developing something that will reflect the surrounding scenery is particularly exciting given that the train 's 111-mile route through Japan goes through a varied landscape ranging from the mountains of Chichibu to the tall skyscrapers of Tokyo .

  8. 而有模壁润滑温压的颗粒重排占总压制行程的50%,比冷压的颗粒重排份额提高了31%。

    While , the first stage upper punch displacement occupied approximately 50 % in the total upper punch displacement during the die-wall lubricated warm compaction process , that is 31 % higher than those in the ambient compaction .

  9. 结果表明配送总成本随行程时间可靠性要求的提高而增加.塞棒有效行程的计算

    It was found that the total travel time of goods vehicle fleet is increased when the required travel time reliability is increased . Calculation on effective stroke of stopper rod