
  • 网络overall distribution;population distribution;underlying distributions
  1. 提出了利用样本空间和它在W赋值方案下的得分对照表来研究模糊子集B的总体分布及其得分规律的设想。

    Also it puts forward a method of studying the population distribution of fuzzy subset B by using the sample space and the score comparison table of W valuation scheme .

  2. 一种估计总体分布的新方法

    A new method for estimating population distribution

  3. 证明了当总体分布F属于椭球分布族时,基于统计深度函数的秩统计量R服从R上的均匀分布。

    When underlying distribution belongs to elliptical distribution family , rank statistics based on depth function having a uniform distribution over is proved .

  4. 阐述了关于人口问题中两个最著名的数学模型,并给出了Logistic人口模型的解析解及其收敛问题.等先后讨论了Logistic总体分布参数的极大似然估计,近似极大似然估计;

    This paper discusses a famous maths models on population , and gives the holo - morphic solution and convergence priciples of Logistic population model .

  5. 男性和女性在基因型总体分布上存在差异(P0.05),并且在单一型感染和混合型感染的分布上差异亦有统计学意义,不同临床类型的丙型肝炎中HCV基因型分布未显示差异。

    The difference on the distribution of HCV genotypes was significant between female and male patients ( P0.05 ) but not in different kinds of hepatitis C patients .

  6. 本文对四舍五入数据构造的经验分布函数调整成为以下形式:从而使Gn(x)是总体分布函数的逐点渐近无偏估计。

    In this paper , we made the empirical distribution function of the rounded data into the following form : Then Gn ( x ) has the point wise asymptotically unbiased character .

  7. 水泥添加量、EPS颗粒添加量和龄期对内摩擦角的影响不显著,淤泥EPS颗粒混合轻质土的内摩擦角总体分布在20~°35°之间。

    The factors of cement content , EPS beads content and curing time have little influence on the internal friction angle , the internal friction angles of tested samples totally lie between 20 and 35 degree .

  8. 对PⅢ型总体分布,本文提出的权函数能使σ和Cs的估计由原方法的二阶加权中心矩降低为一阶加权中心矩估计。

    For the general P-III distribution , the present function may help simplify the estimation of the Coefficient of Variation ( CV ) and the Coefficient of Skewness ( CS ) from the second-order and the third-order moments of the conventional method to the first-order moment .

  9. 与普通最小二乘法相比,分位回归模型不仅不需要对总体分布做任何假设,而且能精确地描述自变量X对于因变量Y的变化范围,捕捉分布上尾和下尾的特征。

    Compared with ordinary least squares method , quintile regression model not only do not need to make any assumptions on the overall distribution , but also describe the independent variable X for the dependent variable Y range accurately , catch the tail characteristics of the distribution .

  10. 基于密度加权距离的FCM神经元网络适应了不同数据对总体分布的差异性,在适当选择密度分布函数以后可抑制误差比较大的离群样本对神经元网络的学习的影响,提高了系统学习的正确率。

    Density weighted distance based FCM neuroid caters for variance of different data in general distribution and after suitable selection of density distribution function , it makes contribution to constraining the influence of stray specimen with larger error on neuroid 's learning .

  11. SAHA综合征组与寻常女性痤疮组患者血清检查结果的总体分布无差异,SHBG均为正常范围内偏低,DHEAs均为正常范围内偏高。

    SAHA syndrome group and normal female acne patients of T , E2 , SHBG , DHEAs in serum examination results for the overall distribution differences , SHBG are within the normal range on the low side , DHEAs were within normal limits for high .

  12. 在对多地区跨国厂商的NEG模型的现实解释力进行深入分析后,运用该模型考察了跨国厂商全球空间位置的总体分布,进一步,研究了跨国厂商在中国的空间分布。

    After making deeply analysis of the realistic explanatory ability of the NEG models on multinational firms , it examines the overall spatial distribution of the multinational firms in the world , applying the models . Further , it considers the spatial distribution of the multinational firms in China .

  13. 固阳&武川断裂控制了金矿田的总体分布。

    The Guyang-Wuchuan fault has controlled the distribution of gold field .

  14. 其中淡红舌占28.8%,非淡红舌共占71.2%,总体分布以红舌为主。

    Slight Red tongue was28.8 % , and non-Slight-Red tongue was71.2 % .

  15. 就总体分布而言,在整个土壤剖面上呈现出一大一小两个分布高峰。

    The whole distribution in section showed two different peaks .

  16. 子弹散布中心正态总体分布参数的融合估计

    Fusion Estimation of Normal Distribution Parameter of the Sub missile Dispersion Center

  17. 一种具有不可预测性的随机延时引信延迟时间的总体分布

    The Distribution of the Unpredictable Delay Time Sequence of a Random Delay Fuze

  18. 结果:散光轴向的总体分布以垂直经线和水平经线为多。

    Results : Most of the astigmatic axes were distributed as vertical and horizontal meridian .

  19. 对数正态总体分布的联合置信域

    Combination Confidence Region for Lognormal Population Parameters

  20. 第二是考察了学生算法理解水平的总体分布情况。

    The second is to examine the overall distribution on students ' interpreting level of algorithm .

  21. 针对样本总体分布已知的分类问题,提出了一种新的分类方法。

    A novel data classification method was prompted for the classification problem about samples with known distribution .

  22. 对反照率及其变化进行分析,发现反照率的总体分布与地形及雪域密切相关。

    The result images showed that the distribution of albedo has a close connection with terrain and snow .

  23. 卫生人力与床位资源总体分布公平,地理分布不均衡。

    The health manpower and beds resource was equity in general , but uneven in geographical distribution . 3 .

  24. 泥、页岩中的镍、钼矿层呈薄层状产出,厚度总体分布连续、稳定。

    The Ni-Mo ore in mudstone and shale out put thinly , the thickness distribution is continuous and steady .

  25. 首先建立了一个木质部截面上导管总体分布的数量模型;

    Firstly , a general distribution model of all the xylem vessels on the xylem cross-section has been established ;

  26. 本文研究了一个名义尺度总体分布参数的经验贝叶斯估计与线性经验贝叶斯估计问题。

    The paper discuss empirical Bayes estimation and linear empirical Bayes estimation of the parameters of one nominal scale population .

  27. 其中,对年平均年降水量、月降水量以及日降水量进行了空间分析,得到了降水的总体分布情况。

    We gain the distributing instance as a whole by the spatial analyse of the daily 、 mensal and annual precipitation .

  28. 全海区的各种重金属总体分布与盐度、悬浮物的相关性不显著。

    In the whole region , the distribution of heavy metals is neither correlated with salinity nor correlated with suspended substance .

  29. 而非参数估计方法的思想为在对总体分布尽可能少的假定前提下,利用数据本身对总体分布进行估计。

    The non-parameter method , which use as little assumption as possible , estimate the overall distribution on the samples ' distribution .

  30. 区间估计是对总体分布中未知参数进行估计的一种重要方法,对指导实际生产有着重要意义。

    The interval estimation is an important method to estimate the unknown parameter in population distributing and is significant for guiding practical production .