- 名archbishop;primate

Cardinal George Pell , archbishop of Sydney and a member of the advisory commission , will lead the secretariat .
Pope Benedict XVI yesterday appointed Archbishop Fernando Filoni as the new prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples .
It could be found at St. Mary 's Pro-Cathedral here , in downtown Dublin , as two rows of children awaited confirmation before him in the lofty , column-lined church .
DUBLIN - The morning after Ireland learned it had become the first nation to approve same-sex marriage by popular vote , Diarmuid Martin , the archbishop of Dublin , looked out at the future of the Roman Catholic Church .
DUBLIN & The morning after Ireland learned it had become the first nation to approve same-sex marriage by popular vote , Diarmuid Martin , the archbishop of Dublin , looked out at the future of the Roman Catholic Church .
John Charles McQuaid , the longtime archbishop of Dublin , played a central role in drafting Ireland 's Constitution before he became archbishop , hewing to conservative church doctrine and closely involving himself in details as small as the placement of commas in the document .
The Archbishop of Canterbury is called the Primate of All England .
Archbishop Nichols last week proposed church teaching as a framework for business behaviour .
Now the local archbishop has intervened and asked the Vatican for permission to close the convent .
In the 1940s among the 20 archbishops in China there were 17 foreigners and only three Chinese ;
AS Cardinal Fesch refused to resign , M.de Pins , Archbishop of AmASie , administered the diocese of Lyons .
Of late I 've had to turn to the Faith . The High Septon haggles worse than a Dornish fishmonger .
Several Church observers believe he is a very suitable choice to head the Vatican department which oversees and directs global missionary activities .
Another is Andrew Yeom Soo-jung , archbishop of Seoul , South Korea , whose great grandparents were executed in an anti-Christian persecution .
The church needs to take a reality check , Archbishop Martin said after the Mass , repeating a comment he had made Saturday .
Archbishop Lo Kuang is learned in both Chinese and Western philosophies , and his Metaphysical Philosophy of Life incorporates both philosophy and theology .
Boys and girls , I made my confirmation 60 years ago , he told them , adding , Your world is different from mine .
At St. Mary 's , the results of the referendum , as one might expect , did not come up - the archbishop instead quipped about his first experience with a cellphone .
Even the reputation of Archbishop McQuaid , who died in 1973 after more than three decades at the helm of the Dublin archdiocese , crumbled in the tide of child sex scandals .
With the vote for the same-sex referendum going nearly two to one in favor , Archbishop Martin said Sunday that the church needed what he called a new language that will be understood and heard by people .
The office or position of an archdeacon . General Grades Civil Servants General Union
A year later , he said , nobody had been made accountable for the incident , in which police appeared to have made a mess of an attempt to rescue tourists held hostage on a coach .