
xìng bìng
  • STD;venerism;venereal disease;burning;cypridopathy
性病 [xìng bìng]
  • [venereal disease] 一种接触传染性疾病,绝大多数情况下是经由性交而染得

  • 梅毒是一种性病

性病[xìng bìng]
  1. UU成为杭州地区主要的性病病原体。

    UU is the main Venereal Disease pathogen in Hangzhou .

  2. 目的探索STD患者心理因素与治疗效果的关系,从而提高性病治愈率。

    Objective : Probe into the relation of the STD patient 's psychological factor and the result of treatment , thus improve the cure rate of venereal disease .

  3. 许多植物的其它不能解释的非寄生性病害均表明为缺硼所致。

    Many other unexplained nonparasitic disease of different plant species were shown to result from born deficiency .

  4. 要周密计划后再开始做,不要犯急性病。

    You must plan carefully before you begin . don 't make the mistake of being too impetuous .

  5. 在马德里举行的欧洲皮肤病与性病学会年会上发表的这项新研究发现,污染空气中的颗粒物会影响头发生长,引起脱发。

    New research presented at the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology ( EADV ) Congress in Madrid found particulate2 matter ( PM ) – that is present in polluted air – could impact both hair growth and retention3 .

  6. 性病淋球菌PCR基因扩增检测方法及应用

    The Method of Polymerase Chain Reaction for Neisseria Gonorrhea and Its Applications

  7. HIV感染中性病暴露的流行病学分析

    Epidemiological Analysis of Sexual Transmitted Disease Exposure in HIV Infection

  8. 412例性病患者的HIV感染状况及临床特征

    HIV prevalence among 412 STD patients and their clinical characteristics

  9. PCR技术在三种男性性病检测中的应用

    Application of PCR technique in the detection of three kinds of sexually transmitted disease in male

  10. 方法以100例性病门诊就诊者的尿液和尿道(男性)或宫颈(女性)标本,分别作沙眼衣原体PCR-微孔板杂交法和细胞培养。

    Methods The urine and urethral or cervical specimens were taken from 100 sexually transmitted disease clinic attendees .

  11. 方法采集84例性病门诊患者泌尿生殖道分泌物,用聚合酶链反应(PCR)技术检测生殖支原体脱氧核糖核酸(mgDNA)。

    Methods 84 STD clinic patients ' genitourinary tract secretions were collected for Mg DNA detection by polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) .

  12. 方法用全市性病疫情报告系统上报的年度报表资料并利用SPSS软件、EXCEL分析。

    Methods STD case-reporting data were collected and analyzed with the SPSS software and Microsoft EXCEL .

  13. 目的:评价聚合酶链反应(PCR)技术对性病性尿道炎及宫颈炎诊断的临床实用价值。

    Objective : To evaluate the clinical application of polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) in diagnosing sexually transmitted urethritis and cervicitis .

  14. 应用PCR诊断技术对门诊997例性病患者进行淋球菌(NG)、沙眼衣原体(CT)及解脲支原体(UU)的检测。

    The detection of NG , CT and UU by PCR was conducted in 997 out patients with STDs .

  15. 性病患者生殖道分泌物中TTVDNA检测出率为15.8%。

    The positive rate of TTV DNA in samples of genital secretion from venereal disease patients was 15.8 % .

  16. 方法:对84例性病性尿道炎并发慢性前列腺炎患者的前列腺按摩液(EPS)进行病原体检测并分析结果。

    Methods : The pathogens have been detected in 84 patients with chronic prostatitis following sexually transmitted urethritis .

  17. 149例性病门诊就医者有2例抗-HCV和HCVRNA均阳性(1.34%);

    2 ( 1.34 % ) out of 149 patients attended STD clinic were both anti - HCV and HCV RNA positives ;

  18. 72例性病患者生殖道分泌物HCVRNA阳性4例(55%)。

    4 ( 5 5 % ) out of 72 samples of secretion from patients with sexually transmitted diseases were HCV RNA positives .

  19. 应用直线回归分析和灰色系列预测模型GM(1,1)预测S市性病的报告发病趋势。

    Linear regression analysis and gray series prediction model GM ( 1,1 ) are adopted to predict the venereal disease epidemiology in s city .

  20. 109名女性性服务工作者接受性病艾滋病检测,查出梅毒阳性6人,HIV抗体均阴性。

    Through the STD / HIV laboratory testing for the 109 commercial sex workers , 6 syphilis cases were found and no HIV positive was identified .

  21. 性病感染危险因素的累积Logit模型分析

    Risk Factor Analysis with Cumulative Logit Mode

  22. 目的了解医务人员和性病患者对STD健康教育处方的认识。

    Objective To investigate health care providers and STD patients ' attitudes to STD health education prescription used at STD clinic .

  23. 用ELISA法检测了252例性病患者和55名健康者对照血清中的CMV-IgM。

    Cytomegalovirus IgM ( CMV IgM ) of 252 patients with sexually transmitted diseases and 55 contols were examined by ELISA method .

  24. 本文报告了快速检测生殖支原体(Mg)抗原的ELISA双抗夹心法的初步建立及对部分地区性病门诊就诊者Mg感染状况的检测结果与分析。

    The preliminary double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ( DAS-ELISA ) for detecting Mg Antigen and the prevalence of Mg infection in STD clinic patients by this method were reported .

  25. 对于有关性教育,最想知道的内容为性病与AIDS的预防、安全性行为、性生理知识等。

    As to the sex related knowledge , most of the subjects wanted to know about the prevention of venereal diseases and AIDS , safe sex behavior , sex physiology and others .

  26. 目的采用聚合酶链反应(PCR)结合反向杂交技术研制性病病原体低密度基因芯片。

    Objective Low density gene chips for detection of sexually transmitted diseases ( STDs ) pathogens were developed by combined method of polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) and reverse cross blot hybridization .

  27. 方法自愿接受HIV咨询检测的基础上,对临床确诊的412例性病患者进行HIV-1/2抗体检测,并对其临床特征进行分析研究。

    Methods Under HIV voluntary counseling and testing , 412 diagnosed STD patients were detected for HIV 1 / 2 antibody ; clinical characteristics of those STD patients with HIV were analyzed .

  28. 目的通过对女性AIDS易感人群的性行为、性病就治方面的调查,探讨性健康教育和AIDS防治的重要性。

    Objective To survey of the sex behavior and the health care seeking behavior of STD in female AIDS high risk group and to study importance on sex health education and prevention of AIDS .

  29. 结果(1)24.2%(29/120)的性病门诊就诊者哨点检出HIV抗体阳性者,阳性率均低于5%。

    Results ( 1 ) Although the prevalent rates were less than 5 % among STD clinic attendees , HIV infection was found in 24.2 % ( 29 / 120 ) of sentinel sites ;

  30. 结论从调查结果看,医务人员和性病患者对STD健康教育处方的态度是很积极的。

    Conclusion According to health care providers ' and STD clinic attenders ' points of view , it is feasible to have STD health prescription at STD clinics .