
xìnɡ qīn hài
  • see also 性侵犯
  1. 群体性侵害事件的多元化解决&三鹿奶粉事件与日本C型肝炎诉讼案的比较研究

    Multi-ways to Groups Tort Incident : Comparison of Sanlu Milk Powder and Hapatitis C Litigation of Japan

  2. 一名大学生上告匹兹堡Steelers的四分卫BenRoethlisberger性侵害。Ben的律师说她正要求原告不要追踪案件以免干扰审判。

    The attorney for a college student accusing Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger of sexual assault says she is asking prosecutors to not pursue the case to avoid an intrusive trial .

  3. 2003年12月,杰克逊再次面临性侵害儿童的指控。

    Jackson again faced child sexual abuse charges in December 2003 .

  4. 性侵害受害儿童的心理病理学研究

    A Research on Psychopathology of Victims in Child Sexual Abuse

  5. 126例女性精神病人性侵害案例分析

    Case analysis of 126 sexually assaulted female psychiatric patients

  6. 波士顿教士性侵害丑闻教会与受害者协议生变

    Church Pulled out Settlement with Victims over Boston Priest 's Sexual Abuse Scandal

  7. 社会功能评价在精神发育迟滞患者性侵害案中的应用

    Evaluation on Social Function in Cases Involving Sexual Assault of Patients with Mental Retardation

  8. 此外,儿童性侵害现象和青少年犯罪也日益令人担忧。

    Sexual abuse and delinquency are growing concerns .

  9. 亚利桑那州的一桩绑架案目前已转变成对一名性侵害罪犯的拘捕。

    A kidnapping case in Arizona is now a hunt for a convicted sex offender .

  10. 我无法用语言表达性侵害造成的痛苦和伤害。

    No words of mine could describe the pain and harm inflicted by such abuse .

  11. 本案没有结束:一起性侵害案的思考

    Cheating Cases The Case Did not Finish

  12. 目的探讨女性精神障碍患者受性侵害案例的临床特征。

    Objective To explore the clinical features of female patients with mental disorders suffering sexual assault .

  13. 认为以犯罪保护客体的实质性侵害完毕为衡量的标准。

    To consider the protection of the object of the substantive crime has finished as standards .

  14. 结论受性侵害者人口学特点为青少年妇女、农民或无业、文盲者。

    Conclusion Demographic characteristics of the sexual sufferers are female adolescence , farmers or unemployment and illiterate .

  15. 声明中说,袁某死因排除中毒、性侵害及他杀可能。

    The statement said that officials have ruled out poisoning , sexual assault and homicide as potential causes .

  16. 结论:儿童STI/STDs已经成为值得关注的公共卫生问题,还存在一定比例的儿童遭受性侵害,在STI/STDs的威胁下女童比男童和成人更加脆弱。

    Under threatens of STI / STDs , female children are much vulnerable then male children and adults .

  17. 其他令人担忧的研究结果显示,女性酗酒与遭到性侵害和家庭暴力有着相互关联。

    Other worrisome results show a correlation between heavy drinking among women and their rate of sexual victimization and domestic violence .

  18. 理论上说,没有,但针对他有一长串的指控:尾行、骚扰、性侵害。

    Technically , no , but there are a string of accusations against him - stalking , harassment , sexual assault .

  19. 六十六岁的吉欧根因为在一九九一年性侵害一名十岁男童,最近被判处十年徒刑。

    The 66-year-old Geoghan was recently sentenced to 10 years ' imprisonment for his sexual molestation of a 10-year-old boy in 1991 .

  20. 美国大多数天主教教区现在要求对雇员进行刑事背景调查,并且教导家长和儿童如何识别性侵害现象。

    Most Catholic dioceses in America now require criminal background checks on employees and have taught parents and children how to recognize signs of abuse .

  21. 恰恰在土地征用过程中,农民的土地财产权益受到了集体性侵害,由此产生了土地征用和农民安置问题。

    Just in the process , the peasants ' property rights are violated collectively , so the problems of land confiscation and peasant allocation come along .

  22. 这项研究将职场欺凌定义为一个人或一个群体对一人或多人进行的系统性侵害与暴力行为。

    The study defines workplace bullying as ' systematic aggression and violence targeted towards one or more individuals by one individual or by a group . '

  23. 是指那些在刑法上被指控或证明犯有性侵害罪的人,或者是虽未证明有性侵害罪但已服罪的人。

    A sex offender is a person who has been criminally charged and convicted of a sexual offense , or has plead guilty but not convicted .

  24. 近年来性侵害受到了社会与学界的关注,但理解并不一致。

    In recent years , the public and scholars pay more attention to the sexual abuse , but the interpretations are not consistent with each other .

  25. 例如,一般的流动儿童受伤害的类型有烧伤、摔伤、动物咬伤、性侵害、交通事故引发的伤害以及火灾和溺水等引发的伤害。

    For example , migrant children are always injured by burns , falls , animal injury , sexual abuse , traffic accidents , fire and drowning .

  26. 有些案件中,犯罪行为人是以打着关心、爱护的旗号对未成年人进行性侵害行为,他们的行为使得未成年人无所适从。

    Some cases , the perpetrator of sexual abuse on minors are play care , under the banner of love , make minors at a loss .

  27. 然而,几乎同样多的人,即73%的人表示他们不同意天主教会处理性侵害丑闻的方式。

    However , nearly the same number , 73 percent , say they do not approve of how the Catholic Church has handled the sex abuse scandal .

  28. 同时,这些性侵害行为给未成年人的身心健康带来了巨大的伤害,严重影响了未成年人的健康成长,损害了未成年人的基本保护权益。

    The sexual abuses bring great physical and mental health harm to minors , prejudice to the healthy growth and serious damage the social well-being of minors .

  29. 针对家庭暴力及性侵害以相关法令,统计数据,成因,类型加以说明,并将预防及危机处理机制,做详尽讲解。

    To explicate thoroughly whatsoever the relevant statutes , statistics , factors and types of domestic violence and sexual assault , given the mechanism of prevention and crisis management .

  30. 本研究旨在探讨性侵害犯及暴力犯的个人属性、自尊、焦虑、及忧郁与未犯罪者之差异。

    Objection : The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship of individual attribution , self-esteem , anxiety , hostility and depression among sex offenders and violent offenders .