
  • 网络Sexual Attraction;sexually attract;sex appeal
  1. 堕入爱河很大部分是由于性吸引。

    Sexual attraction is a large part of falling in love .

  2. 原始的爱只是一种基于性吸引的冲动。

    Love is based on sexual attraction originally .

  3. 该理论的逻辑性吸引了他,但他不能确定自己的理解是否正确。

    He wasn 't sure he 'd got it right , although the theory attracted him by its logic

  4. 具有3A(AnytimeAnywhereAnyway)特征的网络银行,也以其便利性吸引了大量客户,大有取代传统银行之势,因此,也成为各家银行争相发展的重点之一。

    With the 3A ( Anytime , Anywhere and Anyway ) features and the advantage of convenience , E-bank has great potential to replace traditional bank , therefore , it has become the development emphasis of banks .

  5. 杜克大学进化人类学专业的教授兼本项研究的资深作者克莉丝蒂娜德雷(ChristineDrea)说,相比注射前,注射避孕药物之后的雌性狐猴对雄性狐猴的性吸引大为降低。

    The females given the contraceptive became overall less appealing to the males than before getting the injection , says Christine Drea , a professor in Duke 's evolutionary anthropology department and senior author on the study .

  6. 有些候我们对别人的喜欢,是很明显的,我们在Salovey院长的课上就讲过了,我们在讲性吸引时就讲到这点。

    So , some of this , our liking of other people , is obvious and we talked about it in Dean Salovey 's lecture , we talked about it when we talked about sexual attractiveness .

  7. 浪漫之爱在强度、承诺和性吸引方面与激情之爱相同,但没有后者的强迫性成分。

    Passionate or obsessive love includes feelings of uncertainty and anxiety .

  8. 安:这肯定是性吸引你的原因。

    Na : which must be why sex fascinates you .

  9. 有效性吸引任何人,对那些关心真理的人。

    Validity is of interest to anyone who is concerned about truth .

  10. 炫耀性吸引的原因究竟是什么?

    What is it they make a display of to be sexually attractive ?

  11. 彼迪发现双脚能告诉我们更多关于一个人的情况,不只是性吸引方面

    Beattie found that feet tell us more about a person than just sexual attraction

  12. 我们会讲到关于精神分裂症的理论,但它们却并不能用来解释性吸引。

    We 'll talk about theories of schizophrenia but they 're not explanations of sexual attractiveness .

  13. 这里独特的生物多样性吸引了众多大自然爱好者。譬如叶朗,他每天都会来到这里散布。

    The unique biodiversity attracts the likes of Ron Yeo , who leads regular nature walks here .

  14. 从来没有一个群体能像当今的进城务工人员那样,以他们独特的群体性吸引着社会的关注。

    There has been never a unique group as rural migrant workers who attract attention from society .

  15. 古村落作为一种特殊的活化石,以其神秘性吸引了不少游客。

    As the special " living fossil ", ancient villages have attracted many tourists with their mystery .

  16. 你可能会利用你的才智、力和性吸引来玩一场无情的感情游戏。

    You can play a heartless game using your keen intellect , charm and appeal to your advantage .

  17. 这并不主要意味着你们之间的性吸引,而是标志着单纯而简单的爱。

    It does not primarily indicate a sexual relationship ; instead it signifies love , pure and simple .

  18. 苍蝇自身并不能制造出一种“不可抗拒的性吸引”外激素&排除性别因素。

    Flies that cannot make a type of pheromone are " sexually irresistible " to other flies-regardless of gender .

  19. 新闻特写不仅提供了新闻报道,而且通过可读性吸引读者的兴趣。

    News feature is not merely to provide events , but to improve the readability to arouse readers ' interest .

  20. 三级为国内和地方性吸引性资源,在生态旅游资源总量中占主要地位,数量较多,分别占25.2%和59.7%。反映了五老峰风景区的游客以国内特别是省内游客为主。

    The second and the third level are national and local attraction resources , covering 25.2 % and 59.7 % respectively .

  21. 目光接触和肢体语言长期以来被认为是欺骗、紧张、性吸引和撒谎的迹象显示。

    Eye contact and body language have long been considered telltale signs of cheating , nervousness , sexual attraction and lying .

  22. 近4年来,在中小企业板上市的公司以其良好的成长性吸引了众多投资者的目光。

    In the recent 3 years , the listed companies in the SME board have attracted many investors for its good growth .

  23. 商誉是商事主体通过合法经营形成的对顾客的习惯性吸引,这种吸引能够使特定的商誉主体获得市场竞争优势。

    Goodwill is habitual attract commercial subjects through legitimate business customer , this attracted the goodwill main competitive advantage in the market .

  24. 我感到他对我从未有强烈的性吸引&即使我发现他的外表很吸引人(如果那有用的话)。

    I never felt a strong sexual attraction to him & although I find him physically attractive , if that makes any sense .

  25. 我不需要改变任何东西,因为被男人性吸引本来就不是我原来的真正的性质。

    I didn 't have to " change " anything since the sexual attraction I felt to other men was not my true nature .

  26. 彼此相爱的两个人、想要婚姻成功的两个人,也仍然有可能挡不住性吸引的消失。

    Two people who love each other and want a relationship to work can still end up feeling that the sexual attraction has disappeared .

  27. 一个合适的代言人能够利用其自身的知名度和专业性吸引消费者的注意力,成功的为企业和品牌创造价值。

    An appropriate spokesperson could attract the attention of consumers and create value for business or brand with his or her popularity and expertise .

  28. 植物油基聚合物由于其本身的独特结构所具有的的性能和良好的环境可持续性吸引了很多的关注。

    Among these resources vegetable oil-based polymers are promising as a result of their outstanding performance and excellent environment sustainability because of their unique structure .

  29. 新的研究揭示了当一只被弓形体原虫感染的老鼠嗅到猫尿时,它脑部与性吸引相关的部位变得活跃。

    The new research reveals that when a Toxo-infected rat smells cat urine , it has increased activity in brain regions associated with sexual attraction .

  30. 研究结果发现,和很多动物一样,人类可以也可以通过被称之为外激素的化学气味来传达和识别性吸引资讯。

    The findings showed that humans , like many other animals , transmit and recognize information pertinent to sexual attraction through chemical odors known as pheromones .