
  • 网络Sexual attraction;Sexual attractiveness;sex appeal;sexual chemistry
  1. 因此,在他故事中的男女主人公哈罗德和埃里卡的童年时期,我们会听到关于儿童发展的科学,而当他们开始约会时,我们会听到关于性吸引力的理论。

    So as Harold and Erica , the hero and heroine in his story , live through childhood , we hear about the science of child development and as they begin to date we hear about the theory of sexual attraction .

  2. 合作研究者亚力克·比尔(AlecBeall)说:这个研究考察了当第一次看到异性照片时所感受到的性吸引力,这一点很重要。

    Study co-author Alec Beall said : ' It is important to remember that this study explored first-impressions of sexual attraction to images of the opposite sex .

  3. DavidLewis说,由于具备了进化上的优势,这个特征对于男人来说具备了性吸引力。

    Dr Lewis said that this trait would have becomesexually attractive to men due to the evolutionary advantage it gave .

  4. 五六十年代的保罗·纽曼有着传奇般的性吸引力。

    During the1950s and60s Paul Newman had a legendary sex appeal .

  5. 在选择生活伴侣方面,请考虑美丽和性吸引力之外的品质。

    In picking a life partner , think beyond beauty and sexual attraction .

  6. 我在我的好友眼里有足够性吸引力吗?

    Am I attracted to my best friend sexually ?

  7. 第九名:保罗·纽曼五六十年代的保罗·纽曼有着传奇般的性吸引力。

    During the 1950s and 60s Paul Newman had a legendary sex appeal .

  8. 你无法否认他们之间的性吸引力。

    You can 't deny their sexual chemistry .

  9. 我们俩第一次见面,相互之间就马上产生了性吸引力。

    There was an immediate sexual chemistry between us the first time we met .

  10. 性吸引力的密码:爱的气味

    Sex attractive cipher smell of love

  11. 她的男性意向无可争辩的性吸引力在空气中大量弥散,但同样不可否认的是他危险莫测。

    His undeniable sexual appeal looms heavily in the air , as does an undeniable shroud of danger .

  12. 参与调查的1000多名成年人对数百张异性的图像进行了性吸引力的评价。

    More than 1000 adult participants rated the sexual attractiveness of hundreds of images of the opposite sex .

  13. 通过问卷调查,了解其对外观和性吸引力的满意程度,以及有关焦虑和沮丧、自我体象和自尊等方面的心理状态。

    They were given questionnaires to assess for satisfaction , sexuality , anxiety depression , body image and self-esteem .

  14. 一些伪科学观念引入达尔文优胜劣汰概念,把男性身高和性吸引力直接联系起来。

    Pseudoscientific ideas promoted Darwinian concepts of survival of the fittest and linked male height directly to sexual attractiveness .

  15. 一项新研究发现,与40多岁时相比,女人在70多岁时更看重伴侣的性吸引力。

    Women in their70s value sexual chemistry in a partner more than women in their40s , according to new research .

  16. 该研究称,女性到了中年,就不太看重性吸引力了,不过她们在退休之后对这方面又会重新重视起来。

    The value women place on sexual attraction dips in middle age but returns after retirement , it is claimed .

  17. 这个合成词的意思是“具有性吸引力”,因为应用很广泛还被收录进了《牛津英语辞典》。

    Meaning " sexually attractive , " this compound word is so widespread that it made it into the Oxford English Dictionary .

  18. 其结果显示,广告中女性形象被再现为白种人的,异性取向的,具有性吸引力的‘美丽’躯体。

    Women in advertising are found out to be represented as white , heterosexual ' pretty ' body with presumably sexual appeal .

  19. 从传播功能看,人物符号是广告中最具形象性吸引力的传播符号;是最具情趣和人性化的传播语言。

    Judging by its function , human image is the most attractive code in advertising and the most emotionalized and personalized language .

  20. 2004年,博格尔特教授分析了1994年一项关于性吸引力的调查收到的1.8万英国人的反馈结果。

    In 2004 , Prof Bogaert analysed the responses of 18,000 people in the UK to a 1994 survey on sexual attraction .

  21. 当男性在闻了眼泪后,再看这些女性的中等表情照片,他们表示,这些女性的性吸引力不怎么样。

    When the men looked at emotionally neutral images of women 's faces after sniffing real tears , they reported less sexual attraction .

  22. 坐过山车或看一部惊悚电影引起的兴奋感会让彼此更具性吸引力。

    The excitement of going on a roller coaster - or watching a thriller movie - will apparently boost each other 's sex appeal .

  23. 专家称,世界上约有百分之一的人口是“无性恋者”,这些人从任何人身上都感觉不到性吸引力。

    Around one percent of the world 's population are ' asexuals ' who feel no sexual attraction at all , experts have claimed .

  24. 专家称百分之一的世界人口是无性恋者,这意味着地球上有7000万人感觉不到性吸引力。

    Claims that one percent of the world 's population are asexual would mean that 70 million people on Earth feel no sexual attraction .

  25. 碧昂丝这个名字在全世界无人不知,本身就象征着天赋、性吸引力和高级。

    It 's one name that everyone in the world knows and just brings with it a whole lot of talent , sex appeal and class .

  26. 同时,由于我们已经形成了避免在近亲身上发现性吸引力的定律,因此,我们所信赖的人未必就是我们觉得有魅力的人。

    But because we are programmed to avoid finding close relatives sexually attractive , this means those we trust are not necessarily the ones we find attractive .

  27. 肢体语言专家帕蒂·伍德解释道:“性吸引力和性爱可能导致睾丸素上升,使得身体发生微妙的变化。”

    Body language expert Patti Wood explained that : " Attraction and sex may create an increase in testosterone and create subtle changes in the body . "

  28. 烟草业毫无根据地将使用烟草产品与有魅力、活力和性吸引力等受欢迎的品质以及令人兴奋的活动和冒险经历联系在一起。

    The tobacco industry falsely associates use of its products with desirable qualities such as glamour , energy and sex appeal as well as with exciting activities and adventure .

  29. 特蕾西说:当人们想要发展长期恋情时,他们关注的就不只是性吸引力了,还要考虑很多其他因素。一个人是否和善是很重要的。

    " When people want a long-term relationship they take much more into account than sexual attractiveness . How nice a person is , is a big thing ," Tracy said .

  30. 成年雄鼠注射SRBS5天后,其气味的性吸引力下降,这种结果伴随着粪便中睾酮含量的下降。

    Administration of SRBS to mature males resulted in a drop of sexual scent attractiveness of soiled bedding collected during 5 days after injection . This effect was accompanied with a decline of fecal testosterone .