- 名sexual partner;sex partner

Investigation on Sex Partner Notification and Influence Factors among Male STD Patients
She wouldn 't want to be in a monogamous relationship .
Others say some women may have had sex with infected men who had very high amounts of the virus .
However , studies show that our odds of getting married and staying married and our number of sexual partners are all influenced by our DNA .
A sense of humiliation and the level of literacy were primary factors that influenced sexual partner notification ( with a P value of 0.001 ~ 0.025 and 0.005 ~ 0.01 respectively );
Both you and your new partner should get tested for HIV , and learn the results , before having sex for the first time .
Evaluating the Treatment Satisfaction of Vardenafil in Men with Erectile Dysfunction and Female Partners by the Treatment Satisfaction Scale
Clinical services include STI case management , screening and management of STIs in sex partners .
The CDC said this indicates teen girls , even those with few lifetime sexual partners , are at high risk for HPV infection .
STI control requires effective interventions with core populations whose rates of partner change are high enough to sustain transmission .
Executives vied for a chance to pitch Ms. James and her literary agent , Valerie Hoskins , on how best to tell the story of Anastasia Steele , a virginal 21-year-old student who becomes the submissive sexual partner to Christian Grey , a successful 27-year-old businessman .
Whether you decide to turn all your target 's clocks forward by two hours so they think they 're crazy late for work or to set up a Craigslist " casual encounters " ad with their e-mail , it should fit their personality .
We should no longer see treatment and prevention totally separately . Treatment , by itself , it is also part of prevention . Because by treating people , and hopefully treating them earlier , they are less likely to the virus to their sexual partner . "
This has serious health implications both for men and their sexual partners .
She have is the playmate of every boy on the football team .
We can reveal that the popular singer now has a new playmate .
Think about the ways your associate likes to receive possessions , and what they answer to .
Treatment requires antibiotics , Bed rest , pain medication , and sexual abstinence until the infection disappears .
The study found men who had more than one lover were more prone to catching the virus .
This is the first study to report whether having a current sexual partner influences interest in the opposite sex .
He might have known full well that his sex partners were only putting up with him to pay the rent .
In fact , injecting vasopressin directly into a polygamous montane vole 's reward centre increases the likelihood of it becoming monogamous !
But the ad has a serious point , warning that having many sexual partners and not using condoms is unsafe sexual behaviour .
Researchers also quizzed the participants on their lifetime " number " of sexual partners and how successful they were in their careers .
After all , the last thing you want is to have an unplanned pregnancy or to catch a disease from your partner .
Because by treating people , and hopefully treating them earlier , they are less likely to transmit the virus to their sexual partner .
He has had three serious relationships , no more than six sexual partners , has never been married and doesn 't have children .
The rate of partner notification in the counseling group was higher ( 42 % ) than in the control group ( 21 % ) .
The less a husband thinks of his wife as a sexual being , the more functional and ' unsexy ' his gifts will become .
Passionate , hot or tender , anonymous or monogamous , rare or frequent - However you want it , it still has to be safe