
  • 网络Human Planet;BBC Human Planet
  1. 英国广播公司在声明中说:“BBC被告知,2011年的纪录片《人类星球》中关于巴布亚新几内亚科罗威人的一集出现了违反编辑准则的情况。”

    In a statement the BBC said : " The BBC has been alerted to a breach of editorial standards in an episode of Human Planet from 2011 which concerns the Korowai people of Papua New Guinea .

  2. 2011年播出的纪录片《人类星球》共有八集。其中的一集描绘了巴布亚新几内亚科罗威人的生活,展示了他们搬到树屋居住的场景。

    An episode of the eight-part Human Planet series , which aired in 2011 , depicted the life of the Korowai people of Papua New Guinea and included members moving into a treehouse .

  3. 宫泽贤治和加里·施奈德:对人类与星球未来的构想

    Miyazawa Kenji 's and Gary Snyder 's Visions of Humanity and the Planetary Future

  4. 人类在星球上的存在。

    Human presence on this planet .

  5. 人类对外星球认识中产生的种种矛盾是宇宙中各星球之间客观矛盾的一种反映。

    The contradictions in the course of recognizing other celestial bodies are the reflection of impersonality contradictions .

  6. 但是更让人担心的同时也是更现实的-就是人类需要星球工程这样的想法来使地球本身适合居住,而且这种需要可能就在不久的将来。

    But what is more worrying and more real is the idea that such planetary engineering may be needed to make the Earth itself habitable by humanity , and that it may be needed in the near future .

  7. 人类是我们星球的癌症!

    The human race will be the cancer of the planet .

  8. 火星是一个人类未知的星球。

    Mars is a planet that is unknown to humans .

  9. 这是人类在这个星球存在时间的两倍。

    That 's twice as long as humans have been on this planet .

  10. 自从人类在这个星球上出现,人类不是土葬就是火化掉他们的尸体。

    Since they first walked the planet , humans have either buried or burned their dead .

  11. 人类占据这个星球的方式发生改变,打破了微生物世界的自然平衡。

    Changes in the way humanity inhabits the planet have disrupted the natural equilibrium of the microbial world .

  12. 专注于人类和这个星球,当然还有利润,也可以帮助我们的员工更有力量。

    A focus on people and the planet , as well as profit , also helps our staff feel empowered .

  13. 在马斯克看来,这将使人类成为多星球物种,以此逃离在地球上不可避免的灭绝命运。

    In Mr Musk 's view , that could allow mankind to become a multi-planet species - thus cheating its inevitable extinction on Earth .

  14. 他说人类正面临星球危机,一个威胁着人类文明延续和地球可居住性的紧要关头。

    Mankind faces a planetary emergency , he said ; a crisis that threatens the survival of our civilisation and the habitability of the Earth .

  15. 以全新的视角探讨我们人类对这个星球的影响:他引导我们在脑海中勾勒一个没有我们的世界。

    Alan Weisman offers an utterly original approach to questions of humanity 's impact on the planet : asking the readers to envision our Earth without us .

  16. 环境学家指出:持续增加的污染不仅会导致像全球变暖这样严重的问题,而且还将威胁到人类在这个星球的生存。

    Environmental experts point out that increasing pollution not only causes serious problems such as global warming but also could threaten to end human life on our planet .

  17. 事实上,最初的人类先祖在星球上仅生存了600万年,而末代的恐龙6500万年前就灭绝了。

    In reality the earliest ancestors of humans have only been on the planet for 6 million years , while the last dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago .

  18. 中国将坚定不移走和平发展道路,并且希望世界各国共同走和平发展道路,让和平的阳光永远普照人类生活的星球。——

    China will adhere to the path of peaceful development and hope that all countries could follow together , thus letting our earth bathed under the peaceful sunshine forever .

  19. 现在,美国宇航局的科学家用宇航局的开普勒太空望远镜勘测后得出结论,称这一行星是太阳系以外最有希望成为未来人类居住地的星球。

    However , Nasa scientists using the agency 's Kepler space telescope have now concluded that it offers the best hope yet for future human habitation outside the Solar System .

  20. 自从人类来到这个星球,或至少从被逐出伊甸园以来,就一直在寻求舒缓焦虑、抚慰生活痛苦的良方。

    Ever since man arrived on the planet , or at least since his expulsion from Eden , he has looked for ways to soothe the anxieties and pains of life .

  21. 美国国家航空航天局公开表示,开普勒天文望远镜已经发现三颗适合人类居住的星球。并且,科学家称,其中之一是迄今为止发现最像地球的星球。

    NASAs Kepler space telescope has discovered three planets that may be able to support life , while one of them is the most earth-like world spotted to date , scientists say .

  22. 他的网站上写道,轮廓工艺技术或许可以在人类登陆其他星球前,先在月亮和火星上建造起安全可靠而且实惠的建筑、栖息地、实验室以及其他设施。

    Contour Crafting technology has the potential to build safe , reliable , and affordable lunar and Martian structures , habitats , laboratories , and other facilities before the arrival of human beings , ' his website reads .

  23. 人类在接近各个星球,探索新的天体。

    Man was drawing closer to the stars , opening new worlds .

  24. 我们人类是我们自己星球上的破坏者。

    That we humans were a plague on our own planet .

  25. 我简直不敢相信人类改变了这个星球这么多。

    I can 't believe how much man is changing the planet .

  26. 也许有一天人类可以在其他星球上生活。

    It is possible that humans might one day live on other planets .

  27. 作为大自然的一员,人类已经在这个星球上生活了七百万年之久。

    For seven million years they lived on the planet as part of nature .

  28. 人类尚需征服星球。

    Man has yet to conquer the stars .

  29. 在这个越来越为人类所主宰的星球上,我们仍然可以从其他物种身上学习到很多东西。

    On our increasingly human-dominated planet we can still learn much from the lives of other species .

  30. 实际上,巨大的人口和有限的资源之间的反差给人类将来在这个星球上的生存投上了阴影。

    Indeed , a large population with limited resources casts a shadow on mankind 's future existence in this planet .