
  1. 面向agent软件工程是当代软件工程思想新的进化。

    Agent-oriented software engineering is praised of the evolution of contemporary software engineering idea .

  2. 威廉·配第价值源泉思想新探

    William Petty 's Thoughts on Value Resource : A New Exploration

  3. 刘勰文学创新思想新探

    The New Comment on Liu Xie 's Thought about Literary Innovation

  4. 运用新思想新理论设计自准直导轨磨床

    Designing Self-collimation Slideway Grinder with a New Concept and Theory

  5. 梁启超的法律思想新探

    A New Exploration on the Legal Ideology of Liang Qi-chao

  6. 《论语》教育伦理思想新探&学生伦理分析

    A new perspective of the ethic education in Analects

  7. 当他们回国后,他们同时带来新思想新观念。

    They inspire with new ideas when they return .

  8. 兴起学习贯彻“三个代表”重要思想新高潮

    Launch a new upsurge of studying the important thought of the " three represents "

  9. 杜牧大和九年行迹思想新探

    New Probe into the Movements and Thought of Du Mu in the Ninth Year of Dahe

  10. 详细介绍了《工程监理与检测》课程思想新、内容新、科学化管理等各种特点。

    This paper introduces all the characters of the course Project 's Supervision and Detection , namely its new ideas , new contents all scientific management .

  11. 高一涵是五四时期的一位政治学者,也是一位新思想新文化的积极倡导者。

    Gao Yi Han was a political scholar during the period of the May 4th Movement as well as an active advocator of new ideas and new culture .

  12. 在明代弘治、正德时期的文学思想新变中,吴中作家表现尤其突出。

    In the new change of literary ideology during the reign of Hongzhi and Zhengde in Ming dynasty , the writers in lower Yangtze valley were active in particular .

  13. 在高校兴起学习贯彻“三个代表”重要思想新高潮,是高校思想政治工作的首要任务和历史责任。

    Starting a new upsurge of studying " Three Represents " Thought is an important political task and historical responsibility of ideological and political work in colleges and universities .

  14. 且国有企业在经历改革阵痛和改制洗礼后,如何赋予人本思想新内涵,在企业中形成富有凝聚力和战斗力的优秀团队,维系企业的持续发展,也是本文想追述的一个问题。

    After the state-own enterprises experienced the pain and wash of reform , how to endow with the new idea to " humanism " , setting up an excellent team in the enterprises and keeping the continuously development of enterprises are also one problem that the text want to recount .

  15. 我害怕的就是墨守成规。人总是向往新思想和新观念的。

    What I dread is to get into a rut . One yearns for freshness of thought and ideas .

  16. 旧思想受到新观念的冲击。

    Out-dated ideas are challenged by new concepts .

  17. J2EE技术是一个正在不断发展中的技术,J2EE技术的发展使得开源项目的发展也达到了一个新的高度,并且涌现出了许多新的思想和新的应用程序框架。

    With the dramatic development of J2EE , many new thinking and new open source frameworks come into being .

  18. 模型驱动架构(MDA)是OMG提出的基于模型驱动(MD)思想的新的方法学。

    MDA is a new development method based on model driven ( MD ) .

  19. 统一建模语言(UnifiedMOdelingLanguage)已成为一种面向对象建模语言的标准,它溶入了软件工程领域的新思想、新方法和新技术。

    UML , Unified Modeling Language is a kind of standard of object-oriented modeling language which includes new theories , new methods and new technologies of software engineering field .

  20. 表单组态系统是特殊化的MIS组态系统,研究表单组态系统的实现对于开发完整的MIS组态系统、探索组态系统开发新方法和组态思想的新应用有着很重要的意义。

    Researching the development of sheet configuration system is quite meaningful to develop complete MIS configuration system , to explore the new methods of developing configuration system and to apply the configuration ideology .

  21. 论科教兴国思想与新时期知识分子社会地位的定位新疆高校知识分子SCL-90评定结果分析

    On Vitalizing China by Science Education and Orientation of Intellectual s Social Position in New Times ; The mental health status analysis of senior intellectuals in the colleges of xinjiang province

  22. 新的设计思想带来新的技术革命,STM巧妙地利用探针近场(近距离)探测方法、隧道电流理论、压电陶瓷扫描方法等现代科学技术,大大扩展了显微技术的深度。

    New design idea brings new technology revolution . Scanning Probe Microscope ( STM ) uses the methods of close probe detection , the theory of tunnel current and the technology of piezoelectricity chinaware to improve the pro ˉ fundity of electro-microscope .

  23. 管理的变化预示着新思想和新的政策。

    The change of management ushered in fresh ideas and policies .

  24. 创新需要新思想,新程序和新机制。

    Innovation requires new ideas , new processes , and new institutions .

  25. 抓紧建构社会主义思想道德新体系

    Set Up a New System of Socialist Ideology and Morality

  26. 解放思想做好新时期纪检工作

    Emancipating The Mind And Doing Disciplinary Inspection Work In The New Period

  27. 儒家思想在新的历史条件下的社会价值

    The social value of confucian thought under new historical conditions

  28. 我们应使自己的思想适应新的形势。

    We should conform our thinking to the new situation .

  29. 美国亚太及对华战略思想发展新动向

    The new trends of development in US strategic thinking over Asia-Pacific and China

  30. 世界环境保护战略思想的新发展

    New Development in Ideas on Global Environmental Conservation Strategy