
  • 网络moderate scale;Optimum Scale;modest scale
  1. 由此,公债适度规模理论真正迎来了定量分析的阶段。

    As a result , the debt modest scale theory really steps in the stage of quantitative analysis .

  2. 本文把公债适度规模理论按其发展历程分为定性分析和定量分析两个阶段。

    This article divides the development course of the theory of debt modest scale into two stages : qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis .

  3. 再次,根据利用FDI适度规模的定义,利用挤入挤出模型进行检验,得出目前中国利用FDI的规模已经过度;

    Moreover , according to the definition of appropriate scale of utilizing FDI , and utilizes the crowded and entered model of investment and find that it has already excessive in scale of utilizing FDI at present ;

  4. 外资偏离适度规模的程度对FDI的GDP效果存在负面影响,相对于外资而言,FDI规模偏离度的影响更甚;

    Firstly , FDI 's positive influence exceeded its negative influence to China every year whether considering FDI 's spillovers or not . Secondly , the degree of deviating from appropriate scale of foreign investment affects FDI 's GDP-effect negatively , in which FDI is more effective than foreign investment .

  5. 加快农村城市化步伐,发展农业适度规模经营;

    To accelerate urbanizing countrysides and to develop agricultural moderate business ;

  6. 论我国外汇储备的适度规模&兼谈我国外汇储备资料的统计口径错位

    Discussion on the proper size of China 's foreign exchange reserve

  7. 农业适度规模经营可以克服家⑥蕊糕。庭分散经营的低效率。

    The agriculture moderate large-scale management may overcome the low efficiency .

  8. 农业剩余劳动力转移的适度规模及优化控制

    Moderate scale and optimal control on transfer of agricultural remainder labourers

  9. 大学适度规模的取值条件分析

    Analysis on Constraints for the Selection of University 's Appropriate Size

  10. 中国外汇储备的成本收益和适度规模

    The Cost-income and Moderate Scale of China 's Foreign Exchange Reserves

  11. 地方政府财政投资适度规模探析

    The Research on Appropriate Scale of Local Government of Fiscal Investment

  12. 发展适度规模经营,提高农业经营效益;

    Developing moderate size to increase the benefit of agricultural management ;

  13. 国际储备适度规模与对外经贸政策调整国际外汇储备管理的启示

    KEEPING AN APPROPRIATE INTERNATIONAL RESERVE International Experience on Forex Reserve Management

  14. 侯马市土地适度规模经营初步探讨

    Pilot Study about the Appropriate Scale of Land Use in Houma

  15. 江浙农业规模经营条件和适度规模确定

    On farming conditions and suitable farm size in Jiangsu and Zhejiang

  16. 川中地区土地适度规模经营的探讨

    Research on the land scale management in the middle of Sichuan

  17. 规模化植棉与土地流转的历史必然&对新疆棉区适度规模经营与土地流转问题的探讨

    Scale Cotton Cultivation and Land Circulation : An Inevitability of History

  18. 闽东南区域甘蔗生产变化与适度规模问题

    Vicissitudes and appropriate scale of sugarcane production in Southeast Fujian Province

  19. 推进新型自耕制适度规模经营的思考

    Consideration on Promoting the Moderate-scale Operating of the New Land-holding System

  20. 农机适度规模经营模式实践与探索

    The practices and explores in moderate scale management pattern of farm machinery

  21. 我国外汇储备适度规模与结构风险分析

    Optimal Scale of China 's Foreign Exchange Reserves and Its Structure Risks

  22. 怎样度量中国国债的适度规模?

    How to measure the appropriate scale of government debt .

  23. 适度规模经营:农业现代化的客观需要和发展趋势

    Within-limit-scale Management : the Objective Demand and Developing Trend of Agricultural Modernization

  24. 论经济发展与利用外资的适度规模(下)

    The optimal scale of foreign capital and economic development (ⅱ)

  25. 土地经营缺乏适度规模性;

    The land management is lack of the appropriate scale ;

  26. 阐述适度规模经营及其实现形式。

    It puts across appropriate scale - run and its realizing form .

  27. 沅江市农户种植业适度规模研究

    Research on the Appropriate Scale of Peasant Households ' Planting of Yuanjiang

  28. 城市建设举债适度规模研究

    Discussion on Amount of Appropriate Loan Raising for Urban Construction

  29. 我国农业适度规模经营面临的难题

    Difficulties in Moderate Scale Management of Agricultural Production in China

  30. 略论我国利用外资的适度规模

    On the Appropriate Scale of the Utilization of China 's Foreign Capitals