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  • 网络Ideology and Culture;ideological culture
  1. 元与清定立国号的思想文化分析

    Ideological Culture Analysis of the Titles of Yuan and Qing Dynasties

  2. 其一,传统和国外思想文化的影响。

    First , there are some influences by tradition and foreign ideological culture .

  3. 让-保罗·萨特(Jean-PaulSartre,1905&1980)二十世纪法国思想文化界最为瞩目的哲学家、文学家和社会活动家。

    Jean-Paul Sartre ( 1905-1980 ) was the most remarkable philosopher , writer and social activist in French cultural circles in 20 century .

  4. 对传统思想文化,梁启超淬厉其精华。

    For traditional thought and culture , Liang Qichao assimilates its essence .

  5. 中国玉器石雕的思想文化内涵

    Study on the Thought Connotation of Chinese Jade Articles and Stone Carvings

  6. 《赵氏孤儿》与中国道德传统和思想文化

    The Chinese Ethical Traditions and Culture in Zhao the Orphan

  7. 康有为对中国近代思想文化的贡献

    Kang Youwei 's Contributions to Modern Chinese Ideology and Culture

  8. 兰学与日本近世思想文化

    The relationship between " Lanxue " and Japanese modern thought and culture

  9. 任何一种思想文化的产生,都具有一定的历史发展基础。

    Any one thought of culture , have certain historical development foundation .

  10. 启蒙运动与浪漫主义是西方近代史上相继发生的两大思想文化运动。

    The Enlightenment and Romanticism are two major movements in western modern history .

  11. 法律具有调整社会、控制社会的功能,与此相关的还有社会的、经济的、思想文化的内容。

    The interrelated to law also includes social , economic and ideological contents .

  12. 寻找思想文化的立足点&20年代自由思想者的理想构造

    Ideals of the Free Thinkers in the 1920s

  13. 思想文化是个内涵深刻、外延广泛的概念。

    Ideology and culture is an idea deep in connotation and extensive in denotation .

  14. 中国传统思想文化的卫道士和布道者&论辜鸿铭

    The Defender and Preacher of Traditional Chinese Thought and Culture & on Ku Hung-Ming

  15. 在思想文化战线上,其宣传主要包括两个方面。

    In the ideological and cultural front , its propaganda mainly includes two aspects .

  16. 第二章如火如荼的左联时代,主要研究周扬左联时期的思想文化活动。

    Zhou Yang , the main study , Left period of ideological and cultural activities .

  17. 过渡时期的几次思想文化批判运动造成了深远的文化影响。

    The Critical Movements of Ideological Culture in the transitional period have significant cultural influence .

  18. 论南京国民政府抗战的思想文化准备

    Ideological and Cultural Preparations of the Nanjing National Government for the War of Resistance Against Japan

  19. 它主张中西文化的调和,新旧思想文化的折衷。

    It advocates harmony of East and West , old and new ideological and cultural compromise .

  20. 在中国传统的思想文化中,伦理思想一直有着非常重要的地位。

    Among the Chinese traditional thought and culture , ethics thought always plays an important role .

  21. 第二部分分析优秀传统思想文化中的心理保健因素,分儒道释三个方面进行;

    Part two : Analyzing psychological health factors in excellent ideas of traditional culture : Confucianism .

  22. 思想文化因素。

    Thought and cultural factor .

  23. 同时对犹太人的生活方式以及犹太思想文化也产生了深刻的影响。

    Meanwhile , it exerts important influences on both the Judaic life style and the Jewish culture .

  24. 环境问题是环境友好型社会的建设所要解决的根本问题,而环境问题的根源在于思想文化。

    The environment problem with the source of culture is the basic problem with Environmental-friendly society construction .

  25. 思想文化。

    The thought culture .

  26. 教育内容主要是传统思想文化教育和职业技术教育。

    In regards of education content , Shanxi merchants paid attention to the traditional thought and vocational education .

  27. 在此,构建当代青年的和谐思想文化被提到了新的平台上,也成为我们当前一项重要使命。

    It has turned out an essential mission to construct a harmonious ideological cultural on a new platform .

  28. 三是以《尉缭子》中几个重要的军事用语为线索,探讨了该书的军事思想文化内涵。认为兵胜于朝廷是《尉缭子》军事思想的精髓。

    Third , we discussed the military thoughts of Wei Liao Zi through some of its military terms .

  29. 诚信缺失在我国的经济、政治、思想文化领域都有表现,而且其程度令人触目惊心。

    The loss of honesty and credit is shown in the fields of economy , politics and ideology .

  30. 而在欧亚大陆的另一端,老子、庄子以及孔子的学生们详尽阐述了中国思想文化;

    At the other end of Eurasia , Lao-tzu , Chuang-tzu and the followers of Confucius elaborated Chinese thought ;