
  1. 我国准高速和快速旅客列车电空制动技术探讨

    An Approach to Electropneumatic Brake Technology of Quasi-High Speed and Fast Speed Passenger Train in Our Country

  2. 在对四显示双线自动闭塞区段区间通过能力计算问题深入研究的基础上,提出了四显示行车时的追踪列车间隔时间计算公式和快速旅客列车扣除系数的计算方法。

    Based on the study on the calculating problem for section carrying capacity of four-aspect double track automatic block district , this paper presents the calculating formulas of train headway in four-aspect signal system and the calculating method of the deduction coefficient for passenger express .

  3. 确定昌九城际线与既有线的运输分工方案为:本线城际旅客列车和快速跨线旅客列车在城际线上运行,普速跨线旅客列车和货物列车在既有线上运行。

    The transportation assignment we established is that the intra-line intercity passenger trains and the high speed inter-line passenger trains operate on the intercity line , while the normal speed passenger trains and the freight trains operate on the existing lines .

  4. 但是在快速行进的旅客列车上以集中接入模式提供高质量的宽带互联网接入服务,由于大量用户共享车-地互联带宽,其瓶颈效应将非常严重。

    However , Internet services on the fast moving train require a high level of quality of service ( QoS ) . As a result , the Broadband Train-Ground Internetworking ( BTGI ) shared by many users becomes an obvious bottleneck .