
  1. 它提供的IDE特性包括:用于快速体验的脚本模式,用于应用程序开发的项目模式,以及通过新的语言服务来实现的增强的智能感知。

    IDE features include a scripting mode for quick experiments , a project mode for application development , and improved Intellisense via a new language service .

  2. 为了帮助您快速开始体验DB2的原生XML特性,本文将带领您完成几个常见任务,比如

    To help you quickly get up to speed on DB2 's native XML features , this article walks through several common tasks , such as

  3. 公路沿线景观的建构作为目前一项正日益受到普遍关注的课题,拥有着以快速车行体验为媒介的大地尺度与动态特征。

    The construction of roadside landscape , a well-concerned topic , is of large-scale land and dynamic features based on fast driving experience .

  4. 至P2P应用出现以来,因其方便和快速的网络体验,在短短几年之内,迅速发展并占领了多个网络应用领域。

    Since the emergence of P2P networking in the late 90s , P2P applications have experienced a pretty rapid development and occupied many network application fields .

  5. 大众科学表明所有的哺乳动物,爬行类动物和某些鸟类会有快速眼动睡眠体验,也就是类似的做梦。

    But all mammals and reptiles and some birds do experience REM sleep , and therefore likely dream , according to Popular Science .

  6. 随着现代服务业的快速发展,体验经济时代的到来,服务企业间的竞争日趋激烈,服务企业界普遍认识到顾客保留对企业的生存、发展和获利至关重要。

    With the rapid development of modern service industry , and the experience economy era coming , the competition between the service industry is becoming more intense .

  7. 在移动端,大可不必让用户从一个空白页开始任务,利用已有的信息来建立一个快速巧妙的体验。

    With mobile phones , you don 't have to start at a blank slate . Use the information you already have to create a faster , smarter user experience .

  8. 快速:更快的体验是更高效的,花费更少的精力。

    Fast : faster experiences are more efficient and feel more effortless .