
  • 网络intercity;interurban
  1. 基于弹性需求的城市间客车开行频率与票价优化

    Optimization of operating frequency and ticket price of intercity bus with elastic demand

  2. 你们提供城市间的送货吗?

    Do you offer intercity delivery ?

  3. 我没有意识到这两座城市间的距离。

    What I failed to appreciate was the distance between the two cities .

  4. 这两座城市间有个海湾。

    There is a gulf between the two cities .

  5. 第六章使用IV方法考察内生制度与城市间经济绩效的关系。

    Chapter IV method using the system and examine the endogenous relationship between economic performance between cities .

  6. 例如对城市间的通道进行检疫消毒时,图G的顶点表示城市,边表示城市间的通道;

    For example , when we quarantine and disinfect the roads between cities , the vertices of G denote citices and the edges denote roads ;

  7. 通过对我国城市间大量存在的二级、三级等双车道公路上运行车辆车头时距的研究,提出了一种改进的M3车头时距分布模型;

    On the headway research of the two lane highway in our country , this paper provided the improved M3 headway distribution model .

  8. 首先应用Logit分离模型得出城市间不同交通方式(包括铁路和公路)的客流量,在此基础上,提出了一个铁路客流量在不同旅客列车之间的均衡分配模型。

    In this paper , the passenger demands of railways are obtained by a Logit model under the condition of competition between different traffic modes and an equilibrium model for different sorting trains is proposed .

  9. 今年4月,南非交通部长西布西索恩德贝勒(sibusisondebele)将上述两个城市间的高速铁路列为一项重点。

    Sibusiso Ndebele , transport minister , identified a high-speed rail link between the two cities as a priority in April .

  10. 本文就多个城市间建立交通运输线的课题应用随机网络技术(VERT-3)构建了一个较大的仿真模型。

    According to the problem of laying transportation lines between several cities , a large simulation model has been constructed with the stochastic network technique ( VERT-3 ) .

  11. 有人质疑该调查的实用性。对此EIU表示,调查旨在为人事经理提供参考,他们可利用这一调查结果来计算如何为在全球城市间移居的经理和公司高管提供补偿。

    While some question its utility , the EIU says its survey is intended for human resources managers , who use the findings to calculate how to compensate its managers and executives as they move from one city to another across the globe .

  12. 该文将二进制的人口增量学习算法(PBIL)改进为整数(集值)形式(multiplePBIL),并提出了一种新的基于城市间连接关系的非对称旅行商问题(ATSP)的解法。

    In this paper the binary population-based incremental learning is extended to an integer form , a new approach to the asymmetric traveling salesman problem based on linkage relations between cities is proposed .

  13. 城市间的恶性竞争愈演愈烈;

    Vicious competition between the cities will be getting intensive increasingly .

  14. 中国构建金融中心的城市间博弈分析

    Game Analysis on Establishment of Financial Centers in Cities of China

  15. 在两座城市间正在铺设一条油管。

    An oil pipe is being laid between the two cities .

  16. 泛长三角地区城市间经济联系实证研究

    The Strength of Economic Ties between Major Cities in Pan-Yangtze Delta

  17. 这两个城市间已有轮船通航。

    Steam navigation has been opened up between the two cities .

  18. 现在两座城市间己有公共汽车定期开行了。

    Now regular passenger bus services operate between the two cities .

  19. 欧洲最大的城市间都有每小时一次的航班相连。

    The largest city in europe is link by hourly flight .

  20. 中国华北区域城市间污染物输送研究

    The Study of Pollutant Transport between the Cities in North China

  21. 他们正在两座城市间修建高速公路。

    They are building a highway between the two cities .

  22. 城市间多模式交通旅客票价制定的博弈分析

    Game Analysis on Ticket Pricing of Multi-modal Intercity Passenger Transportation

  23. 日本的主要城市间功能联系的发展变化及图解

    The Changing Functional Relations Among the Major Cities in Japan

  24. 指挥各城市间空中交通的管制站有26处。

    Twenty-six regional control centers direct air traffic between cities .

  25. 我国重要城市间信息作用的系统分析

    A systematic analysis of information interaction among the major cities of China

  26. 两城市间的电话联系已经恢复。

    Telephone communications between the two cities have been restored .

  27. 然而,即使在内地城市间,也存在竞争。

    However , even on the mainland there is rivalry .

  28. 两类需求表现出了明显的城市间区域差异。

    However these two types of demand showed significant regional differences ; 4 .

  29. 是的,是城市间的班车。

    Yes . It 's the Inter City Service .

  30. 略论中国近代区域城市间的经济联系

    On Economic Links of Regional Cities in Modern China