
  • 网络Required Items;necessary good
  1. 必需商品,纤维制品用亚麻植物的纤维制成的纤维制品。

    Staple goods , fibres a fabric woven with fibers from the flax plant .

  2. 皮革制品商店/皮件商店必需商品,纤维制品

    Leatherware shop Staple goods , fibres

  3. 通过这种系统组合,政府只购买必需商品,从而可以节约资金,同时也能优化物流链。

    This integration would allow the government to save money by carrying only necessary stock and it would contribute to optimize the logistics chain .

  4. 今天,对于绝大多数城镇居民来说,物业管理已成为一种生活、居住的必需商品和服务,人们期待着这一商品能够更好、更实惠、更到位。

    Today , for the majority of urban dwellers , Property Management has become an essential service for daily life , People are looking forward to more affordable and convenient property service .

  5. 商人向部落里的人出售生活必需的商品。

    Traders sold basic commodities to the tribesmen .

  6. 您可能需要支付公司或者个人的顾问费用,也可能要花钱购买必需的商品。

    You can have either your company or your personal consultancy expense a portion or all the cost of any of the commercial products .

  7. 北达科塔州的经济支柱主要是两种人们必需的商品:小麦和石油,这两种商品的国际价格都有巨大的上升空间。

    North Dakota 's economic good fortune is pretty much a function of being a major producer of two very in-demand commodities : wheat and oil , both of which have seen huge global price increases .