
xīn fù
  • henchman;trusted subordinate;bosom friend;reliable agent
心腹 [xīn fù]
  • [henchman;reliable agent;trusted subordinate] 亲信的人

心腹[xīn fù]
  1. 他是汤婆婆的心腹不要相信他说的任何话

    He 's Yubaba 's henchman . Don 't trust anything he says .

  2. 你们的前任心腹戈登·墨菲

    Well , your former henchman Gordon Murphy .

  3. 有一位心腹知己很重要。

    It is important to have someone you can confide in .

  4. 这个中年女人把那个男孩当作心腹朋友。

    The middle-aged woman regarded the boy as her confidant .

  5. 但抗议活动还未结束,周五数千人走上街头,表示担心Saleh的心腹仍留在权力层。

    But those protests haven 't stopped , with tens of thousands back on the streets on Friday expressing their concern that Mr Saleh 's inner circle might still hold on to power .

  6. 时间回到2000年,五兄弟买了小村HagaHaga旁边一块180公顷(约445英亩)的土地,此处距东伦敦市北60公里,是南非的门户,也是科萨族的心腹地带。

    Back in 2000 five friends bought a 180 hectare ( 445 acres ) piece of land near the small village of Haga Haga , 60km north of East London and on the door step of South Africa 's Xhosa heartland .

  7. 这个心地单纯的女人把孩子当作心腹朋友。

    The artless woman had made a confidant of the boy .

  8. 这个女人是她的心腹,给斯丹恩买通了的。

    The woman was her accomplice and in steyne 's pay .

  9. 要保护好“只有心腹知己”才能知道的真正地址。

    The real " confidantes only " address is kept protected .

  10. 她们在一起一谈就谈到很久,把什么心腹话都说出来。

    They had long gossips together , and were endlessly confidential .

  11. 所以他派他的心腹为他做这件事。

    So he sends his men to do the job for him .

  12. 萨尔和他的心腹尼基考特尔。

    Sal , and his right hand , Nicky cottero .

  13. 他从来没有一个信得过的心腹。

    He never had an agent but he mistrusted him .

  14. 爸爸猜他是神秘人的心腹。”

    Dad reckons he was right in You-Know-Who 's inner circle . "

  15. 她深信她的心腹之交会替她保守秘密。

    She was quite confident that her confidant would keep her secret .

  16. 尽管总督认识不少民族的人,但他却没几个心腹。

    Although the governor knew many peoples , he had few intimates .

  17. 有一个象尼基那样的心腹肯定非常不错。

    It must be nice having a righthand like nicky .

  18. 我说的是他手下那个负责分货的心腹。

    I 'm talking about his right-hand man in charge of distribution .

  19. 甚至他的心腹都认为他大限来临。

    Even his closest associates believed that was the end of him .

  20. 摩尔最终重新成为了老板的心腹。

    Moore eventually made it back to being one of the favoured few .

  21. 将军不再把他当作心腹了,不再给他讲大道理了。

    The General no longer confided in him , no longer lectured him .

  22. 他们是幸存者,是你,最忠实的心腹。

    They were the survivors , they were your most loyal inner circle .

  23. 二十四个同学里面,倒有十二个是她的心腹朋友。

    She had twelve intimate and bosom friends out of the twenty-four young ladies .

  24. 我亲眼看见他的心腹在田园里用橡皮管痛打女工。

    I 've seen his henchmen beat women in the fields with rubber hoses .

  25. 鞭伤除净人的罪恶;责打能入人的心腹。

    Blows that would cleanse away evil ; beatings make clean the innermost parts .

  26. 布莱顿是女王的心腹,一个被派去杀白雪公主的人。

    Brighton is the Queen 's henchman , who she sends to kill Snow White .

  27. 解决方法:指定某个信得过的朋友或家人做你的”心腹人“;

    The solution : Designate one trustworthy friend or family member to be your confidant .

  28. “我并不是她的心腹人。”我回答,不愿意把这件事继续谈下去。

    I 'm not in her confidence , 'returned I , reluctant to continue the subject .

  29. 她是我的心腹朋友。

    She is my bosom friend .

  30. 因为她是赫米亚的心腹密友,他俩把计划告诉了她。

    Since she was Hermia 's bosom friend , the two of them told her their plot .